Changing statements to EHC Plans October 2014
Outcomes Understand the process of changing statements to EHC Plans Develop a whole school plan to change priority year groups
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A person centred review process and changing statements to EHC Plans Guidance has been developed with a new person centred review template Waltham Forest has produced a policy on changing statements to EHC Plans over the next 3 years. The priority year groups will be key stage changes e.g. nursery to reception, year 2 to year 3 and year 6 to year 7. The SEN Team will change the priority groups up to year 7 and the transition team will work with secondary schools on changing statements to EHC Plans for young people in year 9 upwards.
All about Me Families need to complete an ‘All about Me’ report to provide good quality person centred information about the child/young person and their family
family Support team role The family support role can help families with completing the ‘All about Me’ report in preparation for the person centred annual review. Families can be brought together to develop their reports. This helps develop relationships, understanding and support for each other.
Engaging and involving Children and Young People Some young people will be able to complete their own ‘All about Me’ report and their own one page profile.
Process 1. Schools need to identify priority year groups and numbers 2. Family Support to contact families to start work on ‘All about Me’ reports 3. Set review dates 4. Invite L.A officer to attend the review for primary pupils this will be: The SEN Team Nicola Creary For Secondary Pupils year 9 upwards this will be: The Transition Team Crina Popa, Transition Team Manager
Process 5. Hold the review using person centred approach and new template Carry out needs assessment e.g. if statement is very old you may wish to request updated reports from professionals e.g. speech and language therapist or educational psychologist Discuss personal budget: Education personal budget is the statement level e.g. level E upwards and the school retains the management of this Health personal budget is any assessed budget for domiciliary care in the home or home adaptations Social Care budget is for short-breaks or befriending/sitting and parents can ask for a direct payment for social care personal budgets. (see policy and parent leaflets) Write up report and send to the appropriate L.A Officer by
Whole School Plan Develop a whole school plan to ensure that the process is clear and coordinated for parents
Contacts Julia Ridley Head of Post 16 Whitefield Academy Trust Rhianedd Hughes SEN Manager