Parent ICT Workshop Crystal Hewett
Why PowerPoint? PowerPoint is a high-powered software tool used for presenting information in a dynamic slide show format. Text, charts, graphs, and slide and sound effects are just some of the elements PowerPoint can incorporate into your presentations with ease. PowerPoint shows you how to make a powerful impression on your audience. - for further tips.
Learning Objectives: create a PowerPoint show to present a topic research information about a topic acquire digital images using various technologies save an image to a folder insert slides, choose a design, and apply a layout create a bulleted list on a slide add text, clip art, pictures, and WordArt to a slide add custom animation to objects on a slide select and customize transition effects record voice onto slides view a presentation
First Steps... Choose a topic for your presentation. Create the first two slides: a title slide and an introduction slide. Learn how to: apply a slide design search for, insert, and format clip art add text insert a saved picture insert and format WordArt add a bullet point list
Next Steps... Create several more slides about your topic, using your new skills. Learn how to: choose transitions between slides set timings for each slide record voice tracks on slides add animation effects to text and objects view a presentation
WARNING! Many people "clutter it up" by putting everything, including the kitchen sink, into their PowerPoint presentations. Instead of clutter, aim for creativity and simplicity. Most people try to put too much stuff (text and/or pictures) on each slide. Audiences don't like this. They feel overwhelmed and begin to "tune out." Each slide should contain only one idea and the supporting points for that idea. Think of it as the "1 x 1" rule.
KISS-Keep It Simple Sam Pick a simple, easy-to-read font style and use it throughout your entire presentation. Make sure the font size is large enough to be seen easily by the people sitting in the back of the room. Choose a light-coloured background and a dark color for your text. Incorporate lots of "white space" on each slide. White space is simply empty space. Use bullets or dashes and short phrases for your text instead of complete sentences. Make sure your pictures have a purpose and are not simply decorative. Do they clarify the text? Do they match the style of the text and the tone of your presentation? You can also add music or sound effects if they don't detract from your message.
Student ePortfolios ePortfolios are like a big folder to collect all your child’s ICT work, comments and reflections on their learning, and items relevant to what they are learning. They are private and have a specific password. Your child should only share this with you and the immediate family they want to show. Each teacher has access to the ePortfolios to monitor content and comments.
Student ePortfolios Regularly check in on your child’s learning and leave a comment. You can also help us to monitor what is being added and make sure they are appropriate material/comments that support and enhance their learning. Learn how to: Add a post/leave a comment.