Science, Technology and the Arts Research projects of the Centre for Theatre Studies (CET - Centro de Estudos de Teatro) University of Lisbon
HTP online History of the Theatre in Portugal online PTDC/HAH/72397/2006 The History of the Theatre in Portugal online is a pilot scheme for making sources available on the internet. It consists of building a database of documents, from different eras, that are to be made accessible on the internet in three formats: scanned and duly transcribed in both diplomatic and modern script. Allowance has been made to collect (and research on) large amounts of data about artists, repertoires, spaces, institutions, terminology, kinds of theatre and laws.
It is designed to collect, identify and study pictures connected with the theatre produced in Portugal. The idea is to build up a database composed of duly labelled pictures that would go together with relevant information about the history of the theatre in Portugal. It also affords a chance for theatre studies in Portugal to come into closer contact with other disciplines such as the History of Art, Architecture and Photography and establish relationships with the visual arts, cultural studies and theatre studies. OPSIS Theatre Iconographic Database PTDC/EAT/69595/2006
Theatre VenuesPerformanceProduction Stage design Costumes Portraits Memorabilia Theatre in society Print and ilustration Court and civic festivals
Clicar na imagem para ver o registo com mais detalhe
CETbase Database of Theatre in Portugal CETbase is a digital database about theatre in Portugal. Its main focus lies in the item called Performance that lists all the other items related to it, such as playwright, practitioners (both creators and technicians), companies, festivals, theatre venues and a thesaurus (an inventory listing the terms used). The core of CETbase is about contemporary theatre, expanding to the early 20 th cent., as well as to the 19 th century, amounting to more than performances already listed on CETbase. At this moment CETbase has over registers taken all the categories together.
CETbase Data base of Theatre in Portugal
Centro de Estudos de Teatro Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Un. Nº 279) Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa – Sala Lisboa Tel. [+351]