Hannah: The Power of a Mother’s Prayer 1 Samuel 1:1-28 "Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.”
The Pitiful State of the Nation Judges 2:10 All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel. 11 Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD and served the Baals… Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
As a result the people followed their own ideas about how life works – The next generation after the conquest of the Promised Land turned away from following God They were not taught the Word of God They were not taught the history of their fathers’ walk with God They were not led into forming a relationship with their God As a result the people followed their own ideas about how life works – this is called secular humanism. It is manifested in our culture as the philosophy of postmodernism – no absolute Truth, no God, no absolute right or wrong It is as destructive today as it was then
Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 29:18 If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. [The Message]
Has God Abandoned us? This is a common cry when disaster happens Remember the weeks following “9/11”? After the Israelites turned from God, He allowed enemies to oppress them When they cried out to Him, He would send a deliverer, a “judge”, to bring them back to Him. And so the cycle went for over 300 years! At last, God saw the time was right for a new order of leadership
The Desperate State of Hannah A Levite (Elkanah) had two wives Hannah was his first wife – no children Peninnah was the second so he could have children This was not God’s perfect design for family! Hannah was… Harassed – v. 6 Heartbroken – v. 7 Humiliated – v. 8 …because she was barren. El-kanah = “God created”, “God-possessed”, or “God-provided” Hannah = “grace’ Peninnah = “pearl” or “coral”
“But God…” A brief look “behind the scenes” gives us insight into God’s working in this process “Peninnah” = pearl A beautiful jewel which is the result of a point of irritation in its host “Hannah” = grace “That unmerited, dynamic force from God which equips the believer with the desire and ability to do His will” “El-kanah” = “God created” or “God possessed” or “God provided”
Hannah’s Recourse Recourse: act of turning to for assistance "have recourse to the courts" something or someone turned to for assistance or security "his only recourse was the police” Elkanah’s “comfort” was for Hannah to be satisfied with his love and supply – v. 8 Elkanah clearly did not understand women! This was not a new issue – cf. Genesis 16, 21, 29 “Recourse” = act of turning to for assistance; "have recourse to the courts"; "an appeal to his uncle was his last resort" something or someone turned to for assistance or security; "his only recourse was the police"; "took refuge in lying"
Hannah’s Recourse… Hannah took her problem to the only One Who could deal with it – vv. 10-11 When in distress, do we cry out to the Lord or act out of our own resources and understanding? Proverbs 3:5-6 Indicative of her devotion to God, she made a vow – v. 11 This vow, and her prayer, were very specific She asked for a son She committed him to the Lord’s service for his entire life She persisted in prayer – v. 12, Luke 18:1ff
One Misunderstood Woman! 13 As for Hannah, she was speaking in her heart, only her lips were moving, but her voice was not heard. So Eli thought she was drunk. Though Eli was God’s priest he was not always in tune with God’s Spirit He did not discern the Spirit’s working in Hannah He did not exercise authority over his own sons – 1 Sam. 2:12ff He did not take care of his own body – 4:18 1 Cor. 6:13ff
Eli accepted Hannah’s testimony and blessed her – v. 17 When the Holy Spirit is at work, most people do not understand what’s happening – cf. Acts 2:13 We must be willing to bear testimony of how He is at work in us – vv. 15-16 Acts 2:14-21 Eli accepted Hannah’s testimony and blessed her – v. 17 Hannah acknowledged (received) Eli’s blessing – v. 18 – and resumed her life with new perspective and new hope! Life “went on as before,” but now with God’s enabling grace – vv. 19-20
A Curious Worship Elkanah continued his annual ritual of sacrifice – v. 21 Hannah also offered sacrifice, but of a different form – Romans 12:1 She stayed at home to prepare her son, Samuel (“God hears”), for a life of service to God – vv. 22-23 When the time came, she fulfilled her vow – vv. 24-25 She was careful to show Eli the priest God’s answer to her prayers – vv. 25-27 She was also careful to commend Samuel to Eli’s care and instruction – v. 28
Job Number One! Did Hannah know what God was going to do with her son? Was she praying for him to deliver Israel from its godlessness? Did she see him as God’s prophet and priest and national leader? Did she fully understand the process of redemption as God had planned?
The way to obtain any benefit is to devote it in our hearts to the glory of that God of whom we ask it; by this means shall God both please his servant and honor Himself. Bishop Hall (16th century)
Hannah did the most powerful things any mother (or father) can do: She dedicated her child to God before she even became pregnant She taught her son about God – Ephesians 6:4 She continued to pray for and encourage him to be all that God intended him to be – Chap. 2:1-10, 11, 18-19 God, on His part, blessed the formerly childless Hannah with five more children Chap. 2:20-21 Note that nothing else is said about Peninnah!
God’s Blessing to Mothers God works through mothers are especially brilliant! Regardless of the circumstances, when they trust Him He delivers in magnificent ways! Though they do not usually fully comprehend the scope of His work, they dedicate themselves to their work. Be sure that your work is to prepare your child for the work God has for him or her to do in His Kingdom Be sure that God will meet your needs as only He can – Philippians 4:19 – as you present yourself a living sacrifice to Him!