LATONYA BARTELL WEEK 6 – TECHNOLOGY COMMUNITY EVENT (EDUCATOR ROLE) Edu 620 Meeting Students Needs With Technology Dr. Gray 05/22/2016
Welcome Welcome Welcome ■Today I will introduce you into the new image of education and learning. ■Put on your seat belts you’re in for an exciting and educational ride. ■At our first stop, we will visit Universal Design for Learning (UDL). ■At this station you will see how UDL is beneficial to students and teachers (Free, nd)
Station 1: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ■The principles of UDL include: ■1.Principle I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation: Present information and content in different ways ■2.Principle II. Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know ■3.Principle III. Provide Multiple Means of Engagement: Stimulate interest and motivation for learning (Edyburn, 2013, 5.2).
Station 1: Universal Design for Learning (UDL): ■UDL attempts to change the curriculum by reducing unintentional barriers that are irrelevant to the goals of learning while balancing supports and challenges” (Puckett, 2013, 3.1). ■In order to show UDL in action I would like for you to watch this short video by Stephanie Craig titled Universal Design for Learning. (Craig, nd)
Station 1: Universal Design for Learning (UDL): ■ UDL offers differentiation by offering choices. (Free, nd)
Station 2: Technology and UDL for All Learners: Mission and belief ■Our schools mission is to make students lifelong learners who are able to function in a global society. Our aim is to prepare students to post-secondary education and life. ■Our belief is that by incorporating various methods of technology students will become twenty first century learners and have the skills to work globally. (Free, nd)
Station 2: Technology and UDL for All Learners: Our Goals include a commitment: ■1.To nurture the students desire to be lifelong learners. ■2.To promote an appreciation for the twenty first century skills, which will help students to be critical and reflective learners
Courses and offerings ■ Agriculture ■ Arts, a/v technology & communications ■ Business, Finance, and IT ■ Family and Consumer Sciences ■ Health Science ■ Marketing and Entrepreneurship ■ Technology Engineering and Design ■ Trade and Industrial ■ Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Cluster (Advance CTE, nd)
Station 3: 21st-Century Skills Acquisition and Employability: ■The elements described in this section as “21st century student outcomes are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life in the 21st century” (Partnership, nd).
Station 3: 21st-Century Skills Acquisition and Employability: By participating in the arts, A/V technology & communications course students should gain knowledge in the following areas: ■1.Content Knowledge and 21st Century Themes ■2.Learning and Innovation Skills ■3.Information, Media and Technology Skills ■4.Life and Career Skills (Partnership, nd)
References ■Advanced CTE. (n.d.). Retrieved from Carolina#sthash.baINoyQH.dpuf ■Craig, S. (n.d.). Universal Design for Learning [Video file]. Retrieved from ■Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ■Free Images - Pixabay. (n.d.). Retrieved from ■Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.) Framework for 21st Century Learning. Retrieved fromFramework for 21st Century Learning