RENATO GUTTUSO LIFE He was born in Bagheria (Palermo) in 1912 and died in Rome in He was the son of a water-colour painter and still very young showed his tendency towards the painting. Renato started painting and signing his works when he was still thirteen: they were copies of typical Sicilian landscapes or France painters of 18 century (Millet, Carrà, or other contemporaries). When he was teenager, he used to attend the workshop of carts decorators. At the end of twenties, while he was completing his classical studies, he started to attend the study of the Futurist Pippo Rizzo. Since the 50s, he has been considered the leader of a “realistic current”. He was engaged in politic and struggled against the new formalistic tendencies of the abstract art. Renato Guttuso Title: selfportrait Tecnique: oilcanvas
“An art work will survive only if the man who produces it expresses his anger towards the world in which he lives. An art work is the sum of pleasures and pains of the man who created it”. The colour of the carts will survive in all Guttuso’s painting. The realism and the strenght on the colours are the elements that make his style… His political engagement will be expressed trough this art, making use of his realism and his colours.
THE SLAUGHTERMARKET Description Inside the CHIARAMONTE-STERI PALACE, institutional seat of the university of Palermo, a work is kept, it is the symbol of Palermo, a splendid canvas painted by Guttuso(THE SLAUGHTERMARKET). Painted in 1974, the picture represents a realistic scene of a daily life in Palermo: bleeding meat and vegetables shown in stalls of the famous market called THE SLAUGHETER MARKET. Everything is painted masterfully by the Sicilian Artist with his strong brush.
THE CROCIFIXION OIL ON CANVAS 200x200 cm National Gallery of modern and contemporary art in Rome(a present from the artist). The crucifixion is certainly one of the most famous Guttuso’s painting according to many art critics. The bodies are very sharp- cornered and influenced by the Guernica painted by Picasso. Guttuso seemed to pay a tribute to him representing the house similar to the one depicted by Picasso in the “GUERNICA”. SICILIA. Oil on canvas
Water-melon slices 1966 The strength of the image
His Political engagement is expressed in the painting. Occupation of the uncultivated lands in Sicily
In the picture Guttuso paints himself and some famous characters of the 70s in a Roman café that became famous. His portrait (on the left) wearing old Roman costumes while sitting. THE GREEK COFFEE
CART WITH CABBAGES The artist of the carts returns in this painting but the themes aren’t the French Paladines any more but a political engagement.
Peasant at work
A modern painting in the third chapel of the Holy mountain in Varese.
A flask, a candle and boiler
The link to Sicily Cactus on Palermo’s gulf