Overview of McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Under ESSA Office for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth March 2016
Purpose of the Webinar To alert districts to some of the changes that are going into effect this summer particularly as they impact children’s access to education. Ground rule: please no individual cases during the webinar. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 2
Effective Dates Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 3 Amendments to McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Effective July 1 st 2016 Amendments to ESEA Effective 2017/2018 Homeless students are written into several parts of ESEA
Definitions School of origin Means the school that a child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled, including preschool. When the child or youth completes the final grade level served by the school of origin…, the term “school of origin” shall include the designated receiving school at the next level; for all feeder schools. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 4
Any questions regarding the effective date or school of origin? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5
Definitions Homelessness Anyone who lacks fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence; including children: sharing the housing of other due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason Living in emergency or transitional shelters or abandoned in hospitals Living in cars, parks, public spaces… and migratory children living in any of the above. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 6
Awaiting foster care Awaiting foster care moves to Title 1 part A “By not later than one year after the date of enactment…” (Dec 10, 2016) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 7
Foster Care LEA will designate a point of contact Transportation for children in foster care The LEA will have procedures in place to ensure transportation to maintain the child’s school of origin if it is in the child’s best interest If there are additional costs the LEA will provide transportation if … The child welfare agency agrees to reimburse the LEA, The LEA agrees to pay for the transportation itself or The two agencies agree to share the cost. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 8
Any questions regarding the definition of homelessness? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 9
Rights of homeless children and youth School selection Presumes enrollment in the school of origin is in the child’s best interest Parent’s decision, parent’s right to appeal Transportation Duration of homelessness and thru June of the year housed Including preschoolers We will continue to use the guidelines one hour K to minutes for preschool and kindergarten Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 10
Rights of homeless children and youth Immediate enrollment Including youth who are out of school Access to all activities including summer school, extracurricular activities….. Credit accrual for partially completed work College and career counseling, assistance with the FASFA and verification of homelessness Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 11
Rights of homeless children and youth Living arrangements are protected under FERPA and now McKinney-Vento. “shall be treated as student education record and shall not be deemed to directory information” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 12
Any questions regarding the rights of homeless children and youth? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 13
Role of the Homeless Education Liaison Reauthorization strengthens the role of the homeless liaison “will designated an appropriate staff person, able to carry out the duties described” Must receive and provide professional development Engage with Head Start Support unaccompanied homeless youth Public notice and refer homeless families to services Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 14
Future updates: Webinars later this spring Website ESE Advisories posted early July Training late September/October Newsletter Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 15
Any questions? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 16
Office for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Sarah Slautterback, State Coordinator Elizabeth Harris, Student Support Webpage: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 17