15-1: The New Immigrants
Immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe Came from: Italy Austria-Hungary Russia Reason for coming to U.S. To escape religious persecution (ex. Russian Jews) To escape overpopulation Where did they enter the U.S. ? √ Ellis Island
Immigrants from Asia Came from: China Japan Reason for coming to U.S. To make money (work on railroad) To mine gold To seek fortune Where did they enter the U.S. ? √ Angel Island
Immigrants from Caribbean Islands and Central America Came from: Mexico Jamaica Cuba Puerto Rico Reason for coming to U.S. To find work To flee political turmoil Where did they enter the U.S. ? √ Ellis Island √ Southeastern U.S. √ Southwestern U.S.
Native Born v. New Immigrants Spoke English Had ancestors from western Europe Mostly Caucasian Most were Protestant Did not speak English Had ancestors from other parts of the world Many were Asian Many were Catholic or Jewish
Important Terms Chinese Exclusion Act: Act that limited Chinese Immigration to U.S. Nativists feared the Chinese because they were willing to work for lower pay. Gentlemen’s Agreement: Agreement between Pres. Teddy Roosevelt and Japan to limit Japanese emigration to U.S. In exchange the U.S. agreed to allow Japanese children living in San Francisco to attend school with white children. Culture Shock: Confusion and worry from experiencing a new culture Melting Pot: A mixture of different cultures living together