The “New Immigrants” Background b/t 1880 & 1920, 25 million immigrants came to the U.S. unlike “old immigrants: (from Britain, Ireland & Northern Europe), these “new immigrants” were mostly from eastern, central & southern Europe “new immigrant” religion Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish Push/pull factors that brought them to the U.S.: The Immigrant Experience Nicknamed “greenhorns” for their awkward, uncultivated ways Struggled with labor competition & limited work skills, the English language, & little education Lived in worst conditions with worst jobs; girls took jobs in prostitution Ethnicity, Assimilation, and the American Dream:
Europeans Flood the United States Their Voyage: Experience at Ellis Island: Upon their arrival at Ellis Island for processing, they would be checked by a medical examiner. About one in five newcomers was marked for heart problems “H,” for hernias,“K” for scalp issues “Sc,” or “X” for mental instability. Those who failed inspection may be separated from their families and returned home to Europe. ellis-island
Settling Down Settling in the Cities: New Neighborhoods: Adjusting to Their Environment: How well immigrants depended partly on how quickly they learned English and adapted to American culture. Also helped if they had some work skills. 1/3 of immigrants returned home because they just wanted to make a little money and return home.
The New South South was behind the North in urbanization and industrialization largely due to the influence of slavery & the influence of plantation owners on gov’t After the Civil War, when slavery became illegal: The South needed to forge economic relations with the North New industries thrived after the Civil War: Segregation of the races also characterized the _____________ In fact, industrialization and segregation were the two main components of the “New South
Southern Industries Railroads Iron Production Cotton and Textiles Tobacco With the creation of James Bonsack’s automatic cigarette-rolling machine, and the aggressive advertising and business savy of James Buchanon Duke, Duke created a tobacco monopoly of sorts called the American Tobacco Company
Industrial Failures Steel production up North surpassed the need or iron from the South The northern textile industry….. Racial segregation in the south, including the exclusion of African Americans from working in many industries, led to stunted growth in southern industries Agricultural development…..
Southern Urbanization Birmingham, Alabama was the symbol of southern urbanization since RRs connected it to coal-mining towns, which facilitated industrialism Center of iron production Ultimately, Birmingham and other southern cities seeking to urbanize, feel behind their competitors up north ….. Immigrants also chose the North for jobs b/c even though wages were horrible up North, they were worse in the South