Working Under the Influence DID YOU KNOW? 35% of employees with an occupational injuries involve “at risk drinkers" Click to Preview and Purchase Video Play Video 4 – Working Under the Influence At risk drinkers: those who either drank heavily before a shift, or actually drink on the job
One day after three consecutive days of partying he reports to work visibly hung over and exhausted Module 3: Working Under the Influence Case study A young hi-lo driver who likes to party Makes good money Single Sees no problem with partying hard on his own time Meet Joe…
Working Under the Influence He picks up 4-ounce bottle of vodka ‘to take the edge off’ He forgets to complete his pre-shift check of his truck Less than an hour into his shift, he slams his truck into a row of stored parts
Let’s assess Joe’s poor decisions… A) Drinking on his days off B) Repeated partying without regards to how it affects his performance or safety C) Reporting to work hung over, unfit to work D) Drinking on the job Assessment
When Joe’s drinking spills over into his work life there’s a problem. But like most decisions some are better than other. In this case Joes worst decision was … Let’s Review
D) Joe’s decision to drink on the job to offset the effects of his hangover This decision takes a bad decision and makes it far worse Worst Choice He’s acting like a Derk
C) Joe reporting to work hung over and unfit to work Joe may believe that his hangover isn’t affecting him, but it increases the likelihood of his masking an error that could harm him or someone else. Second Worst
Joe’s repeated partying affects his performance and safety Joe might believe his constant partying and enjoyment that he receives worth the risk to his health, livelihood, and social consequences Poor Choices
Best Choice A) Drink Safe and Smart Joe’s decision to drink on his days off
Insert Your Logo Here There’s nothing wrong with having a drink or two while you are NOT at work as long as drinking doesn’t cause problems
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