Naviance Family Connection Tutorial
What Can Naviance Do for You? Create a Resume Format Search Colleges Compare Colleges Track College Deadlines Show College Acceptance Scattergrams Provides Organized Scholarship Information Allows you to receive updated info from Guidance
How to Access Naviance The Naviance web address is: There is also a link in the Guidance section of the Hopedale High School website
Register for Naviance Seniors have already registered for Naviance Your username will be your home address If you are a new user or forgot which address you originally used, see your counselor!
My Resume Provides counselors with information regarding activities, awards, and academic achievements Students can complete “My Resume” in addition to giving counselors an updated activity sheet Naviance will also give students a formatted resume which can be used in job searching
College Search Allows students to narrow down colleges and universities to match their interests Search Topics Include : - Location of School - Student Population Characteristics - Admissions Selectivity - Majors - Costs
College Scattergrams See how graduated Hopedale students did when applying to schools See how your GPA and SAT scores measure up
College Match Generates a list of schools that have accepted students similar to you From the lists in the various search engines, you can click on the college link for more information including: - Average GPA accepted, average SAT accepted, majors and degrees, and student life (activities, clubs, student population makeup).
My Colleges Organize colleges using “My College” Provides expected difficulty, application deadlines, and links to schools STAY LESS STRESSED BY STAYING ORGANIZED
Scholarships Up-to-date Scholarship lists Includes: - Scholarship amount - Application material necessary - Number of scholarships available - Deadlines - Website links
Naviance Tips Visit website often Explore on your own Use the resources available to you in the Guidance Office and on Naviance!