Anatomical Position Location Terminology Anterior/Posterior Medial/Lateral Superior/Inferior and Proximal/Distal Superficial/Deep Planes of the body Motion of the human body within planes.
-Always reference it by going back to anatomical position. These positions are named by considering how they relate to other body parts. Example: The Sternum is anterior to the spine. This helps to prevent confusion and lay terminology. It is particularly important when considering exercise performance.
Terms always come in Pairs: These terms are the opposite of one another. Ex: anterior vs posterior The terms always relate to the direction of the human body. Terminology is a way of putting points on a the map of the Human Body.
This is a person standing erect, facing forward with their arms to their sides. In anatomical position the palms are facing forward.
1.anterior-means farther to the front Posterior-means farther to the back. (anterior and posterior can be used for the entire body) Examples: The sternum is anterior to the spine. The spine is posterior to the sternum. 3.Ventral-means anterior 4.Dorsal essentially means posterior. 5. Volar is occasionally used in place of anterior when referring to the hand region.
Every body part has a fleshy part and a hard part. Typically the anterior portion of the body is the soft and fleshy part. The hard part is the typically the posterior portion.
Medial-This means closer to the line that divides the body into left and right halves. Lateral- farther from the imaginary line that divides the body into right and left halves. Lateral and Medial can be used to describe the entire body. Example: The sternum is medial to the humerous. The humerous is lateral to the sternum.
-When talking about the hand we discuss the ulnar side: This means the side closer to the Ulna. The radial side is the one closer to the radius. We use Tibial and Fibial when referring to the leg.
Superior means above another body part. Inferior means below another body part. Proximal means closer to the axial body. Distal means farther from the axial body. example: The arm is proximal to the forearm. The forearm is distal to the arm.
1. Find a partner 2. You are required to name and describe body parts to your partner.(using terms we have learned) Example: Head is superior to the shoulders. 3. Each partner needs to do a minimum of 10 body parts. 4. Write your examples and descriptions down to turn in.
Describe to me the location of the head in relation to the neck. What is the position of the pinky in relation to the thumb? What is the relation of the patella to the calf?