Intergovernmental Coordination for Integrated River Basin Management in East Kalimantan
Background - East Kalimantan Population: 3 million Primary Industry: Oil and gas; logging and forest products; mining (coal, gold); palm oil.
Background – the State of Oregon Population: 3,421,399 Primary Industry: timber, paper products, farming (wheat, cattle), mining (coal), computer equipment, electronics
Problem Statement Intergovernmental cooperation is a top priority for Governor Environmental management issues effect all local governments in the province The Mahakam River is the lifeblood of the province and touches many jurisdictions There is a lack of coordination on issues the cross jurisdictions Environmental issues in the Mahakam River Basin need to be approached comprehensively
Project Description – Workplan Objectives Coordination and communications training for intergovernmental relations in the post-reformasi era Identification of cross-border issues in the Mahakam River Basin Spatial planning cooperation.
Key Steps Recommending and creating a cooperative governance structure for the management of the Mahakam River Basin Collaborating in assessing, identifying, and developing adequate information and databases and data management systems for river basin management by sharing the river basin management systems used in the State of Oregon. Collaborating in a water quality monitoring pilot project. Collaborating in the development of public awareness techniques, tools, and strategies that will support management practices in the Mahakam River Basin and watersheds.
Results The establishment of the East Kalimantan Working Group. First ever joint television call-in show with Samarinda, Kutai, and the Province discussion issues of coordination and cooperation. A vision on the Mahakam river is stated and shared among stakeholders. Increased awareness about the importance of an integrated and coordinated approach on river basin management among government officials and other stakeholders.
A new practice to communicate more directly among related officials at different local governments, and to form a secretarial team to maintain ongoing contacts. A new coalition among river stakeholders with other organizations, public forums (such as Water Forum of East Kalimantan) and international agencies that advocate for environmental protection in the river basin. More information available to the public through those organizations and the media about potential problems for the river basin if current practices continue. Results - Continued
Sets a good precedent for better communication between local officials regarding cross-boundary issues. Increasing awareness among local officials that collaboration is essential for finding effective solutions. Sharing of experience with outside organizations, Oregon in particular, has given the Province increased awareness that it is possible to do new things and to make improvements on current practices by forming a coordinating body. Lessons Learned
Sustainability Continued support from the Governor and Bupatis for the Working Group will ensure success Coordination with the private sector and NGOs will broaden the reach and resources of the group
Transfer The East Kalimantan Working Group is a new model for intergovernmental coordination that can be adapted by all local governments in Indonesia
Contact Irianto Lambrie, Asisten Sekdaprop Address:Jalan Gajah Mada 1 Samarinda, Kaltim Phone: Fax: A.S. Sumanto, Kabid Pengembangan SDA dan Prasarana Wilayah. Address:Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Samarinda, Kaltim Phone: Fax: