REEM SAHWIL, JUNE Unheimlich: uncannily, exceptionally, particularly, strangely, really, very Sympathischer: *sympathetic, agreeable, pleasant, nice, likeable Mensch: guy, girl, normal person, person
Ich habe ja auch Ziele, so wie jeder andere. Ich möchte studieren. Es ist wirklich ein Wunsch und ein Ziel, das ich gerne schaffen möchte. [I also have goals, like anyone else. I would like to study [at the university]. It’s really my aspiration and something that I would really like to do.]
REEM EXPLAINS Und es ist wirklich sehr unangenehm zuzusehen, wie andere wirklich das Leben genießen können und man es selber halt nicht mitgenießen kann. [And it is really unpleasant to see how others can really enjoy life and one cannot enjoy life along with them.]
Merkel: You did that really well. Moderator: I don’t think, Madam Chancellor, that it is about doing things well. It is a very difficult situation… Merkel: I know it is a difficult situation. That is why I want to comfort her [third person], because I [singular], because we [plural] do not want to put you [euch, second person plural] in such situations and because it is very difficult for you [du, singular] and because you have presented really well for many, many others the kind of situation that one can find oneself in.
MERKEL “STROKES” Merkel: You did that really well. Moderator: I don’t think, Madam Chancellor, that it is about doing things well. It is a very difficult situation… Merkel: I know it is a difficult situation. That is why I want to comfort her [third person], because I [singular], because we [plural] do not want to put you [euch, second person plural] in such situations and because it is very difficult for you [du, singular] and because you have presented really well for many, many others the kind of situation that one can find oneself in.
MERKEL “STROKES” Merkel: You did that really well. Moderator: I don’t think, Madam Chancellor, that it is about doing things well. It is a very difficult situation… Merkel: I know it is a difficult situation. That is why I want to comfort her [third person], because I [singular], because we [plural] do not want to put you [euch, second person plural] in such situations and because it is very difficult for you [du, singular] and because you have presented really well for many, many others the kind of situation that one can find oneself in.
MERKEL “STROKES” Merkel: You did that really well. Moderator: I don’t think, Madam Chancellor, that it is about doing things well. It is a very difficult situation… Merkel: I know it is a difficult situation. That is why I want to comfort her [third person], because I [singular], because we [plural] do not want to put you [euch, second person plural] in such situations and because it is very difficult for you [du, singular] and because you have presented really well for many, many others the kind of situation that one can find oneself in.
MERKEL “STROKES” Merkel: You did that really well. Moderator: I don’t think, Madam Chancellor, that it is about doing things well. It is a very difficult situation… Merkel: I know it is a difficult situation. That is why I want to comfort her [third person], because I [singular], because we [plural] do not want to put you [euch, second person plural] in such situations and because it is very difficult for you [du, singular] and because you have presented really well for many, many others the kind of situation that one can find oneself in.
MERKEL “STROKES” Merkel: You did that really well. Moderator: I don’t think, Madam Chancellor, that it is about doing things well. It is a very difficult situation… Merkel: I know it is a difficult situation. That is why I want to comfort her [third person], because I [singular], because we [plural] do not want to put you [euch, second person plural] in such situations and because it is very difficult for you [du, singular] and because you have presented really well for many, many others the kind of situation that one can find oneself in.
IN NON-TRANSLATION Highly embedded language Key roles for modal particles Incomplete sentences Switches between interpersonal frames The act of representation becomes the event. Language is part of the event.
IN TRANSLATION? Less embedded language Omitted modal particles Complete sentences Fixed interpersonal frames The act of representation is not the event. Language is supposed to be separable from the event.
“THE MOST WONDERFUL MOMENT” (I stole this activity from Andrew Chesterman.) 250 words in L1 Partner translates into L2 Author and partner revise Who makes the most changes? Author: It’s right, but it’s not my experience It does not elicit the same response. Because language is part of the event (and of recollection of the event).
TRANSLATION RECEPTION? Empirical studies show little difference So work from ideal reception, the changes we would like to make.
CULTURES OF NO RESPONSE? Rather than responding to messages sent by activists and critics, they counter with their own contributions to the circulating flow of communications, hoping that sufficient volume (whether in terms of number of contributions or the spectacular nature of a contribution) will give their contributions dominance or stickiness. Dean, Jodi “Communicative Capitalism”. Cultural Politics 1(1):
CULTURES OF NO RESPONSE? But she responded. (Bono meets with Sarkozy.) (José Lambert gets food.)
SEEING THROUGH IDEOLOGIES? -One responds to close language -To people -In one-on-one situations.
MARTIN BUBER (1923) Ich-Du (I-thou) is the one primary word Ich-Es (I-it) is the other. Arnaud Laygues: What does this mean? What do you mean? But it doesn’t happen!
CHANGE TRANSLATION? Allow the first person? Allow addition? Allow deletion? Switch frames?
© Intercultural Studies Group TRANSLATION SOLUTIONS A history of non-binary Translation Studies Bally Vinay & Darbelnet Fedorov Loh Levý Popovič Kade Chesterman…
BUT ALSO Train spokespeople In multilingual communication Who can create events Like Reem