Ending Veteran and Chronic Homelessness in Louisiana
Ma Maison
Ending Veteran Homelessness “Ending Veteran homelessness is not something that can only be accomplished in New Orleans. But New Orleans has shown it can be done.” -Sam Joel, the mayor’s staff lead for the initiative ments/Ending-Veteran-Homelessness-in-New- Orleans.pdf
Louisiana Housing Authority Actions ESG – Rapid Rehousing for cities that singed on to the Mayors Challenge – Coordinated Entry New Project-Based Voucher preferences established – Chronic homelessness – Veterans Creation of a Balance of State CoC 4
Purpose of the Louisiana Balance of State Vehicle for renewing the State’s Shelter Plus Care project which funds PSH projects in the GoZone No overlap between the Balance of State geography and existing CoCs Will not impact current CoCs Pro Rata Allows Louisiana to take advantage of every federal dollar available for homelessness
Benefits of forming a Balance of State Cont’d Helps rural areas comply with new HEARTH requirements that can be onerous to take on independently – Coordinated Assessment – Performance Measurement – HMIS
What the Balance of State looks like in Louisiana State claimed available geographical areas that had not joined existing Continuums of Care State will use Balance of State pro rata to fund programs within that geography Extend the option to join the Balance of State to any other CoCs interested
WIG Wildly Important Goals for the next 3-6 months 1.Statewide guiding principals for Coordinated Entry 2.Statewide performance measures 3.Statewide takedown goals for PSH units 9
Nicole Sweazy Louisiana Housing Authority Executive Director