Sharing Personal Information Programme Health and Social Care Joint Conference February 2011 David Middleton SPI Branch
Why is SPI so important? People’s lives are lived across organisation boundaries Public Service effectiveness - improving outcomes requires collaboration, joint needs assessment and shared delivery Legislation protects the individual and enables SPI, but is complex - guidance and procedures are agency-specific Low levels of knowledge, awareness and confidence - even where safeguarding needed If in doubt – don’t
HIW: in reviews, 90% cited a lack of SPI as significant factor in failure of care Serious Case Review Sept 2010: Arrangements for sharing information between agencies ……did not always work well together …relevant information was not always shared …As a consequence opportunities to intervene were missed Accountability lines should identify barriers to the transfer of information
What is the Programme? Effective sharing, management and use of information to deliver jointly services that meet individual need Staff confident to share legally and safely WAG leading national collaboration to develop local practice Public, third sector and private organisations, cross-boundary Leadership of CEOs and Directors important to ensure partner engagement
Basis in the 4 Cs Commonality at strategic and policy levels shared, cross sector agenda led nationally common approach to assessment common procedures for collection, recording, sharing Collaboration across organisations, managers work together to oversee sharing Clarity for frontline staff with guidance and support Coherence in IT - rational collection, recording, storage
Evidence : 3 key programme areas “… need an all-Wales approach with clear all-Wales rules” (GP rep) “… there is disparate strategic thinking and operational delivery” (VOL) “.. no central governance controls over the partners” (LA) “.. all the partner organisations need to engage.” (LA)
WASPI: the single “Gold Standard” for all SPI WASPI support : Implementation training regional and local begins March 2011 advice, troubleshooting, ISP Facilitators check and assure new protocols, then publish examples to ease development burden Refined WASPI becomes universally accepted model
Information Sharing Community (ISC) Local management and collaboration to support SPI Advice, guidance and clarity for frontline staff Over time, develop to provide: Objective, expert authority where problems need resolution Assurance of ISPs, advice on policy and procedures Direct feedback to central policy
Governance: to maintain standards engagement of current bodies in a confederation- NIGAG, WIG, BMA interests, others. Monitoring – measures for reporting; inspection; ICO link Stakeholders guide programme and problems addressed in WAG New models developed based on collaboration and WASPI - WAG pump-priming finance Evidence a business case for revised IT and investment
Get with the Programme What issues have you faced in your work? What solutions have you found or have occurred to you today? Do you have suggestions for taking this forward in your practice?