Focus and Ponder Before we begin… For your 4 th F&P, please respond to the four moral questions listed on the next slide. Then, explain what type of process you would go through to make each decision. – Would you talk it over with someone? – Would you consider the consequences of your decision?
Moral Questions??? Is it okay to get drunk? Is it okay to cheat on a test? Is it okay to lie to a parent? Is it okay to shoplift?
Unit 4: Moral Decision- Making Lesson 1 – The LISTEN Model
WHERE DO YOU STAND? Ultimately, I trust my gut. Ultimately, I rely on others’ advice. When making decisions….
Ultimately, I always trust my gut. But if we fail to learn from those who have gone before us, we are fools! Ultimately, I rely on others’ advice. We must avoid the two extremes. We must strike a balance!
L ook for the facts. I magine possibilities. S eek insight beyond your own. T urn inward. E xpect God’s help. N ame your decision.
L ook for the facts. Objective reality What is going on? Consider the law.
I magine possibilities. Consequences – short & long term Creative approaches List all options. Pros & cons
S eek insight beyond your own. Others Consider all the help. Family, friends, Church, organizations, mentors, professionals, heroes, etc.
T urn inward. Subjective reality Examine your feelings & insights from past experiences. What is going on inside you? What’s your intuition (gut) say? What do you value? What’s your motive? (Why are you doing it?) Who do you want to become?
E xpect God’s help. God is with us. God will NOT make the decision for us. Pray for strength, courage, insight, & truth.
N ame your decision. Resolve it. Decide, even if it means postponing.
Distinguish between OBJECTIVE & SUBJECTIVE reality. Things as they actually are. Things as they are perceived to be. Lose That Weight – SpanglishLose That Weight – Spanglish – Bernie’s “gift” from her mother is not what it appears!!!
OBJECTIVE things as they actually are SUBJECTIVE things as they are perceived to be That doesn’t mean green doesn’t exist. Nick is red-green colorblind. Example:
another Example: SUBJECTIVE things as they are perceived to be OBJECTIVE things as they actually are “Would Jane be a good person to hire for the job? Be objective.” “I never really liked Jane.” (This is based on feelings, not whether or not Jane would actually be good for the job.)
I’m really sorry you were too busy to come to the party. Example: Plain wording of text Oh, snap! I can’t believe she said that! Tone given to text
SUBJECTIVE things as they are perceived to be OBJECTIVE things as they actually are I’m really sorry you were too busy to come to the party. Same read in a snitty, sarcastic tone. last Example: OMG. I cannot believe she said that!
After looking at the facts, think about the consequences of, & possible alternatives to, your proposed action. -- Attempt to discover the potential outcomes of an action. -- Don’t just consider the results. Reflect on the consequences: short & long term Good results cannot justify evil actions. “Nothing Will Stop Me” – The Lorax – The Lorax begs the Once-ler to “consider the consequences of his actions
Consider the alternatives. -- Knowing alternatives enables us to choose freely. -- We are almost never faced with an action that has NO other possibilities.
Always ask: What if everyone in a similar situation were to act this way? Will this make a difference in my life 5 years from now?
Organizations of support Support for my moral growth & development Parents Family Real friends Adult friends Heroes Priests & Ministers Communion of Saints Local parish Counselors God Grandparents Teachers Coaches WE ARE NOT ALONE!
You may invite 5-10 people, living or dead, real or fictional, to a party. Who would you invite? After compiling your list, please read page 62 in your text. – Complete the “Activity” section at the bottom of the page and be ready to defend your choices! Consider
Look over your list. Heroes of conscience… or merely celebrities?
Hero = someone who follows his/her conscience in the face of difficulties
Moral Heroes Find the Handout - “My Moral (Super) Hero” to your Unit 4 file in the Content Library of OneNote. Complete the handout for 25 minor category homework points! Who will yours be?