Super-impose To place one object on top of the other to give the illusion that they are one Transform the act of changing in form or shape or appearance; Amalgamate combine or unite to form one organization or structure:
Surrealism through iPad apps Objective: You will explore iPad apps in order to create surreal techniques. DRILL: 2 groups- one today, one thurs… 1.8 people – get iPads- these numbers: 2, 5, 14, on front desk- other 8 work on surrealism 2.Look for these apps 3.What objects/ places can you find pictures of to use? 4.Take 2+ pics that you can combine or screenshot 2 or more photographs online that can be combined. 5.Goals- super-impose, transform, amalgamate on iPad apps. SUCCESSFULLY CREATE SURREAL IMAGE ON IPAD WITH APPS- 50PTS DUE THURS BY THE END OF CLASS.
Surrealism through iPad apps Objective: You will explore iPad apps in order to create surreal techniques. DRILL: 1.SUCCESSFULLY CREATE SURREAL IMAGE ON IPAD WITH APPS- 50PTS DUE THURS (Today) BY THE END OF CLASS. Post on Edmodo. Photo blender is 40/ 50. Cut images and paste them on to create amalgamation or transformation. - 50/50. 2.Work on Surrealism. 3.We will move on to Printmaking after Thanksgiving. 4.Homework due Nov ideas for printmaking. One must have surreal elements.
Print Show Thursday Dec 17 th 5-7pm Required attendance and art in show. Surreal Critique next Wednesday. Printmaking til Print Show. 5-6 classes. Hybrid- Surrealism for one. Homework- Drawings of 2 ideas due after break. 50pts due NOV 30 on Edmodo.
Surrealism through apps 1.Look for these apps 2.What objects/ places can you find pictures of to use? 3.Take 2+ pics that you can combine or screenshot 2 or more photographs online that can be combined. 4.Goals- super-impose, transform, amalgamate.
Photo Blend App
Super Impose Studio App
Cut Me In App
Photo Blender Cut Me In and SuperImpose
Steps: Juxtapose- Find background image- cut me in app to cut around the image to paste it on background Super impose- blend two pics together Transform or amalgamate- cut out both images and combine them.
Transform or amalgamate the act of changing in form or shape or appearance; a qualitative change a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance: In surrealism- two or more things that are combined to become one. a·mal·ga·mate əˈmalɡəˌmāt] VERB combine or unite to form one organization or structure: to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: "he amalgamated his company with another"
Reversal of Natural Law: ~Rebelling against natural laws. What are some laws of nature? *Gravity. Unless you have wings, gravity holds you on the ground. *Size Butterflies are small usually, make them big etc… *Traditional make up of objects… depending on their nature. Skin as wood, etc… House made of brick… *Eyes are on creatures… Not mountains or hands. So… Use levitation, distortion, change the size and natural make up of things. *Distortion- Changing proportions, elongation, etc…
juxtaposition jux ⋅ ta ⋅ po ⋅ si ⋅ tion –noun An act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast. In surrealism, why are they put next to each other?
Super impose To place one object on top of the other to give the illusion that they are one place or lay (one thing) over another, typically so that both are still evident: to impose, place, or set over, above, or on something else.impose
Surreal Artwork CRITERIA Surreal image from pictures that you collect- nature, object, scene, architecture. Uses surreal techniques. Objects are drawn realistically.- Take your time- from observation or from a picture. There is depth in the scene.- background, middle ground, foreground. Use of shading from materials is clean and makes objects look 3D. Has symbolism and tells a story (poem)
Surrealism Goals Objective: You will analyze surreal techniques in order to apply them to your artwork. DIRECTIONS: REVIEW THE GOALS BELOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR TIME. WE ARE MOVING ON TO PRINTMAKING AFTER THANKSGIVING. Surreal image from pictures that you collect- nature, object, scene, architecture. Uses surreal techniques. Objects are drawn realistically.- Take your time- from observation or from a picture. There is depth in the scene.- background, middle ground, foreground. Use of shading from materials is clean and makes objects look 3D. Has symbolism and tells a story (poem)
Steps: Juxtapose- Find background image- cut me in app to cut around the image to paste it on background Super impose- blend two pics together Transform or amalgamate- cut out both images and combine them.