United States Government, Resources and Economy
Instructions Do not write these notes down. Silently read each slide and complete each of the “Active Learning” (AL) activities in your notebook. The title of this assignment is on slide one. For each AL, write its number followed by a well-thought out and organized response. If you are asked to work with a partner, write his or her name down. Provide a source where asked to as well. All 7 AL activities are due, Thursday 9/3 (per. 2) or Wednesday 9/2 (per. 4)
A Representative Democracy The United States has established a representative democracy—people rule through elected representatives. –Government is based off democratic styles of Ancient Greece and Rome. Power is divided among the national (federal) and state governments.
The Branches of Government The U.S. Constitution established a government that is broken down into three separate branches: –executive branch headed by president, carries out laws –legislative branch makes laws –judicial branch interprets laws, reviews lower court decisions
How does this system (3 branches) help our government maintain a balance of power? Active Learning 1
Active Learning 2 With a partner, discuss and write two features of the U.S. government that you like the most, and why? Partner A: The best feature of the…because… Partner B: The best feature of the…because…
U.S. is rich in natural resources fertile soils water supply vast forests large deposits of many minerals
Waterways Because U.S. is bound by water, they have important shipping and fishing industries Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico
Waterways Many large lakes and rivers in the United States make shipping and trade much easier.
Farming and Agriculture The United States is the world’s leading producer of food as well as the largest food exporter –very fertile soil, in plains region and river valleys This fertile region is known as “America’s Breadbasket”
Due to fertile soil, early farm mechanization, U.S. accounts for: –40% of world’s corn; 20% of cotton; 10% of wheat, cattle, hogs Crop farming in Midwest, South; livestock ranching in West
Woodlands 1/3 of U.S. covered by woodlands U.S. and Canada major producers of lumber
Natural Resources U.S. is rich in natural minerals and fossil fuels gold silver copper coal oil etc.
Active Learning 3 With a different partner, discuss the following question: what would occur to the world economy if the U.S. resources previously mentioned DECREASE? My partner and I believe that…
The United States has the world’s largest and most diversified economy. American products and popular culture are recognized around the world.
Success World’s largest economy: agricultural, manufacturing, trade leader U.S. accounts for more than 10% of world’s exports exports—goods sold to another country Success is due to resources, skilled labor, stable political system
Capitalism Much of the success is due to the economic system. The United States economy is based on the capitalist free market system. In this system, most businesses are privately owned and operated with limited government control. –In most cases, there is no limit to success or profits.
What are some possible problems with the Free Market system?
Problems with Free Market Monopolies? Unfair for competition? –Wal Mart, Microsoft, Apple Price Gouging? –Gas, Technology
Active Learning 4 Slide 24 mentions that the U.S. has the “most diversified economy” in the world. What is it meant by this statement?
U.S. Exports
Active Learning 5 Research. Other than the products mentioned in the previous slides, make a list of 10 products that the U.S. exports and to where. Do not write things like machines (not a product, but category). Number your list and give me your sources of information. Fake sample: 1.Sun glasses – Japan. The New York Times 2.Beans – Haiti. Cable News Network
Technology Exports U.S. advances in electronics, computers revolutionize industry
U.S. Technology Exports
Industrial Centers Largest industrial output in world includes: petroleum steel chemicals electronics consumer goods mining
Industrial Centers Many industrial centers are located near bodies of water – WHY??????
Industrial Centers bodies of water can be used for transporting goods may also serve as a source of power
The U.S. is the largest consumer of energy. Need for these fuels is very great.
Active Learning 6 Do a bit of research and answer why the U.S. is among the world’s largest consumer of energy and give three (3) areas where this energy is being consumed. Be sure to provide a source at the bottom of your answer.
Free Enterprise Free enterprise (free market) economy: –privately owned resources, technology, businesses –businesses operate for profit with little governmental control
Service Industries almost 75% of Americans today work in the service industry service industry – any kind of economic activity that produces a service rather than a product
Can you think of any jobs in the service industry?
service-related jobs include: medicine transportation education finance many more!
Active Learning 7 Write a brief paragraph on, at least, two new pieces of information you learned.