NORDEN| 1 Our business is global tramp shipping IMPA ACT Responsible Supply Chain Management Process Michael Tønnes Jørgensen
NORDEN| 2 Our business is global tramp shipping RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT NORDEN and J. Lauritzen faced with same challenges when applying the requirements of the UN Global Compact and of the UN Guiding Principles Collaborated to create a uniform Responsible Supply Chain Management (RSCM) process Aimed to create a Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) that would become an industry standard
NORDEN| 3 Our business is global tramp shipping HOW IT WORKS Concept has since been sold to IMPA and is called IMPA ACT It offers a truly collaborative programme between buyer and supplier through tools to share knowledge, information and experience. 6 step process Companies collaborate with suppliers to help them identify if they have adverse impacts on human rights. If and when such impacts are identified, they assist suppliers in addressing these impacts Database under development, where IMPA ACT members will soon have access to information regarding suppliers that have already been through the process and are therefore considered to be “in compliance” with the IMPA ACT Supplier Code of Conduct
NORDEN| 4 Our business is global tramp shipping THE SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT (SCOC) Represents best practice Aligned to the UNGPs Human Rights, Environment and Anti- Corruption First of its kind known An industry standard
NORDEN| 5 Our business is global tramp shipping Contacted 5 suppliers in 2013 Received a positive response Weilbach 1 st supplier now considered to be “in compliance” with the IMPA Act requirements Will continue to engage with 5 suppliers a year Include new clause in our supplier contracts NORDEN’S STATUS
NORDEN| 6 Our business is global tramp shipping Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S 52, Strandvejen DK-2900 Hellerup Denmark Phone: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION QUESTIONS ?