The finca has 850 hectares, 500 hectares are planted with olives 7 x 7 with approximately 100,000 highly productive trees. The trees are variety - 80 % Picual, 10% Hojiblanca and the remaining 10% Arbequina. The average annual production is 6 million kg. Another 250 hectares are planted with almond trees 7 X 7 box, approximately 50,000
The added value of the estate is the name of the brand - OIL CASTILLO Tabernas One of the top producers worldwide, virgin olive oil Extra Gourmet, with only 0.1 ° natural acidity. Known and famous throughout the world with several global awards for quality and excellence. The campaign that is releasing worldwide is directed exclusively to haute cuisine and gourmet stores products so initial customers will mainly be consumers concerned about the quality and deliciousness of food products.
The unique flavor of the oil is based on the high number of solar hours when it is subjected to protected natural area. Thus providing a product with a lot of oleic acid, natural antioxidants and Vitamin E, making it the best ally of the Mediterranean diet and a great source of health benefits. The climatic conditions of the area where is located the House "Olivar del Desierto" are characterized by the highest number of hours of sunshine a year in Europe, also remain very stable temperatures during growth and ripening of the fruit.
There is a mill of 3,000 m2 for unloading, cleaning and weighing. Three mills for grinding with capacity of 180,000 kg per day. Three mixers, five decanters, five deposits 5,000l for analysis and 17 L. 50,000 tanks for storage. The farm has an oil museum has projected a restaurant (not completed) of 1,500 m2 along the road.
The farm has all the necessary machinery and equipment for the cultivation and collection of the olives. Backhoe loader, four tractors, four shakers and latest generation of tanks for spraying. Two trucks and trailers.
Note that there is the possibilities of installing wind turbines in the boundaries of the property is great as there are close to transmission lines of the estate. In fact the electricity company Iberdrola bid installation these elements. All trees have irrigation and automatic drip subscriber. There are 10 surveys with a total flow rate of 110L / second. It has 17 rafts one of which has a capacity of 100 million liters and over 50 million liters.
The farm has several access routes from the highway and has tracks across for access to the trees. The estate also has about 10 cortijos (farmhouses) in need of renovation. Ideal for accommodation for workers, managers or for holiday letting. There is also a mansion of 1,500 m2 with numerous rooms. Swimming pool, tennis court, wine cellar and much more.
LOCATION The finca is situated in the municipality of Tabernas 30 km from the city of Almeria, capital of the province of Almeria. The Mill is located 10 km from Tabernas by the natural landscape of Tabernas desert between the mountains Gador and Sierra Nevada to the west and the Filabre Alhamilla to the north and south. The airport is a short distance outside of the city of Almeria and the city has a port with boats to Africa and the Balearic Islands.
VIEWING ARRANGEMENTS Viewing is strictly by appointment with the real estate agents Images of Andalucia. Letter of Intent and Proof of Funds is required prior to viewing To make an appointment either Telephone Skype imagesofandalucia