THIS TERM WE ARE LOOKING AT THINGS GOING ON AROUND THE WORLD This week we are looking at the ongoing refugee crisis in Syria. Last week MPs voted against allowing in 3000 unaccompanied children from Syria. These children have fled from war torn Syria but they are not allowed to come to the safety of the uk
A POEM Children’s author Nicola Davies has written this poem in response to the government’s decision not to allow lone refugee children a safe haven in the UK site/2016/apr/28/the-day-the-war-came-poem-about- unaccompanied-child-refugees
DISCUSSION 1)How does the child describe the war? 2)Why is a simple chair important? 3)Why is the project call #3000chairs? You are invited to join the #3000chairs project on Twitter – draw/paint/sketch your empty chair and post it on Twitter using #3000chairs
FINALLY In your planners, on today’s date, write down 3 things you have discussed during this session.