1 Intended use of this Presentation This presentation is for the client Executive contact to use with their internal Enterprise eTIME Project Team. The purpose is to provide the Executive contact with a tool to provide a high level overview of the system and its benefits to the client project team. Key implementation success factors are: Project commitment, project awareness throughout the organization, understanding the benefits of the system and internal collaboration ADP recommends the presenter to make notes of any questions, concerns, or other issues uncovered as part of the presentation for discussion with their ADP Project Manager. Feel free to modify this document as needed for your organization, including removal of this first page.
A Product, Process and General Overview of your new Labor Tracking System Specifically created for the client’s implementation project team *Your Logo Here*
3 What this Presentation covers y Presentation Goals y Analysis of business reasons and decision criteria y What is Enterprise eTIME? y Benefits and Features of Enterprise eTIME y Time entry Options y Implementation Roles and Responsibilities y Key Milestones of the Implementation Process y Training Overview y Support Model y What’s Next? y Questions
4 Presentation Goals To provide the client project team with the knowledge and understanding of: Why ADP’s Enterprise eTIME Labor Tracking System was chosen How Enterprise eTIME will benefit our organization The implementation process we will be using Key roles & responsibilities The new Labor Tracking System in general
5 Project Team Discussion y Business reasons for pursuing an Automated Time and Labor tracking system. Examples to include, but are not limited to: x Reduce direct labor expenses x Improve labor cost knowledge & reporting for jobs performed x Reduce indirect expenses associated with HR & Accounting department time & materials x Increase employee productivity x Tracking and Controlling our Payroll x Enforcing Policies x Automation x Reporting x Decentralization of payroll approvals / edits / scheduling y Decision Factors for selecting ADP’s Enterprise eTIME solution. Examples include, but are not limited to: x ADP analysis process helped business discover process re-engineering opportunity to offset costs x ADP references x Define Implementation & Training Methodology x Robust product with market leading technology x Implementation and on-going Support model x ROI - Non-capital expense pricing model (subscription based) x Integration with current ADP payroll system
6 What is Enterprise eTIME? Enterprise eTIME is a comprehensive, web-based time and labor management system that automates, streamlines and controls… The collection and management of employee time Reporting Scheduling & enforcement Overtime Benefit time Other pay data for hourly and salary associates
7 Benefits and Features of Enterprise eTIME Automates and streamlines the collection and management of employee time and other pay data for hourly and salary associates. Provides robust and flexible reporting, labor tracking tools, and consistent application of pay policies. Eliminates time consuming and redundant data entry State of the art technology for features, reliability, stability, and robustness Reduces the time involved in collecting and calculating associate hours Improves payroll accuracy from 1-5% (SHRM) Controls overtime costs and labor expense Multiple reporting options, entry methods, and hardware devices
8 Benefits and Features (cont’d) Helps eliminate time theft Provides real time management reporting Has the capability to provide detailed information on an associates’ work habits Helps enforce guidelines to ensure compliance for our organization Applies payroll policies consistently, fairly and without bias The leader in the industry – over a decade of innovation and reliability. Improves accuracy of paychecks, and employee retention Accurately manages Paid Time off and tracks eligibility Flexible configuration options available
9 Benefits and Features (cont’d) Collects employees’ worked and benefit time Enables view, edit, and approval of employees’ timecards Manages employees’ schedules Calculates hours for payroll Generates reports Applies company pay policies consistently
10 There are a variety of data collection options with Enterprise eTIME. Choose from one of the following or utilize a variety of these options as your needs dictate. Methods vary based on employee category: Timeclock – employees who punch in and out at timeclocks Telephone – employees can punch in and out using a standard telephone HandPunch – employees who punch in and out at HandPunch readers Professional – employees who enter their time via the Web Time Stamp View – clock in and out Hourly View – enter start and stop times Project View – enter total hours worked Time-Entry Options
11 ADP Implementation Team: Provide project management, systems requirements, analysis, configuration, payroll interfacing, training, guidance and direction throughout the project to successful completion. Client Project Team: Staff the project with the dedicated resources, provide ADP with detailed requirements, an organizational commitment to project, effective systems testing and associate training. A committed and qualified staff will help ensure a timely and successful experience. Roles and Responsibilities
12 Key Milestones MilestoneDurationDate 1. Complete Client Analysis1/2 day 2. System Configuration (AC)1 week 3. Software Installation1-2 days 4. Test clock communication1 day 5. System user training3 days 6. System Overview2-3 days 7. Parallel Process1 pay period 8. Live data collection1 pay period 9. Process payroll using EeT1/2 day 10. Transition to support team1 hour
13 Training Overview ADP trains two main System Users/Administrators: Enterprise eTIME System User Training (HR/Payroll) 6 Virtual Training sessions – ½hours each Morning and afternoon sessions each day One-on-one time spent during System Overview Review system, assist in loading employees, and initiate User Acceptance Testing Client trains their managers and employees: Tutorial CD For employees and managers Provides training on individual data collection methods, timecard editing, approval, and running reports Quick Reference Cards and Getting Started Guides For employees, managers, and system administrator Provides at-a-glance view of daily and pay period tasks
14 Support Model y ADP is our partner to ensure our long-term success with Enterprise eTIME. y We will have a committed, professional Implementation team, as well as a dedicated Support Staff available to us after the system is live. y ADP’s Implementation team will ensure your transition from Implementation to Service is smooth and seamless. y ADP’s Client Service group will continue to deliver World Class Service to our organization.
15 What’s Next? y Pre-Implementation Workshop y Review Product, Process, and Documentation y Start identifying means by which the system will be used y Planning Meeting y Define dates for major milestones y Assign responsibility for tasks y Technology Review y Review the Technology Survey y Provide specific Hardware requirements for Enterprise eTIME
16 Questions y Categories of questions for ADP to review y Product y Process y Training y Timing y Roles and Responsibilities y Any internal discussion of which ADP should be aware y Who handles edits? y How will employees be notified? y What policies, if any, will be changing?