Homework: C-4 due Monday Current events project due Monday, May 23.
A. After Genghis Khan’s death, Mongol power continues to spread through Central Asia, Persia, the Arab Empire and Russia. The Mongol Empire is divided into four khanates, each one ruled by one of Genghis’ sons or grandsons. B. From the mid-1200s to the mid-1300s, the Mongols brought stability and law and order to their empire and promoted trade and cultural diffusion between different regions. This period became known as the Pax Mongolica.
A. Grandson of Genghis Khan. Conquers the Song Dynasty in China in 1279 B. Establishes the Yuan Dynasty ( ). First time all of China has been united in 300 years.
If you were an advisor to Kublai Khan, what advice would you give him on building a strong government? ◦ How should cultural differences between the Mongols the Chinese be dealt with? (Force Chinese to accept Mongol ways? Create separate communities for Chinese and Mongols? Blend the two cultures together?) ◦ Should the Chinese be allowed to keep their civil service examinations and system of government? Why or why not? ◦ Who would you give the best farmland to: the large Chinese peasant population or the Mongol warriors who helped you to conquer China? Why?
A. Relationship with the Chinese 1. Toleration 2. Limited cultural exchange
B. Government 1. Mongols keep the Chinese system of government. 2. Chinese only allowed to hold low or local positions, highest positions went to Mongols and Muslims/Christians from the west. 3. Civil Service exams abolished.
C. Land, Taxes and Trade 1. Land is confiscated from peasants and given to Mongol military leaders. 2. Central government collects taxes from peasants once a year. 3. But with this revenue, trade and outside contact flourish. Foreign merchants settle in China, and the Silk Road flourishes.
D. Kublai will establish a permanent capital in Beijing, which he will rename Khanbaliq. 1. Venetian trader Marco Polo will serve Khan for 17 years. 2. Polo’s adventures were recorded in the book book The Travels of Marco Polo.
Do you think Kublai Khan’s policies will ultimately allow the Yuan Dynasty to be successful in ruling over China? Why or why not?