During the long lunch hours, a few students delve into a small collection of story books in the reading room; a few dispense their energy in the basketball court. The majority idle away the hours. To broaden their learning experience, our volunteers organized a series of fun activities…….
Two Year 7 students show their bookmarks with a sense of achievement.
Making 3-D models for the first time.
I have built a Greek temple !
Useless promotional leaflets are turned into colourful pictures through the creative hands of the students 。
A few drinking straws open up an expanse of creativity.
Preparing a parachute for the egg.
An exciting moment – Is the egg broken or intact?
‘Are we wasting food?’ a student asked. ‘Use your best efforts to protect your egg then,’ the volunteer replied. Of the 15 eggs used in the experiment, 8 survived the crash.
The simplest materials (tooth picks and modeling clay) elicit a burst of creativity.
Through games and cartoons, our volunteers hope to raise students’ interest in English.