The Open University of Tanzania (OUT) National Conference on SCL: Practise and Experiences from 1 st to 2 nd March, 2016
Introduction OUT is one of 11 public universities in Tanzania. By June, 2015 OUT had already enrolled 103,388 students (OUT, 2015). The largest university in Tanzania.
OUT Mission To continuously provide quality open and distance education, research and public services for sustainable and equitable socio- economic development of Tanzania in particular and the rest of Africa.
Current Institute of Educational and Management Technologies (IEMT) Components Information Resource Management E-learning unit Helpdesk Audio visual unit Instructional unit
I. Background to Use of ICT in Student - Centered Learning Phase 1 period 1993 – 2002 Printed study materials from foreign universities like Abuja (Nigeria), IGNOU (India), UNISA (South Africa), Makerere (Uganda) and Nairobi (Kenya). Phase 2 period 2002 – 2008 Local experts wrote some titles. By 2007 already 130 study materials were written by OUT whereas the university’s demand was 941 titles (Komunte, 2010). Phase 3 period 2008 – To date blended printed manuals and e-manuals. OUT’s prospects are to use e-manuals only for Student – Centered Learning.
II. Conceptual framework for Student - Centered Learning through ODL Blending Mahenge (2006)’s Model of Technology Enhanced Independent Learning Environment (TEILE) with Komunte (2014)’s model of integrating ICT, Pedagogy and Media combination (IPEM) in Student – Centered Learning by distance to ensure good academic performance.
III. Methodology Case study design Target population – OUT students and workers Area of study – OUTs Morogoro Region Centre The purposive sampling technique was used The sample comprised of 30 students and 12 workers. Qualitative data analysis approach Data were collected through questionnaires and documentary review.
IV. Major Findings on Student - Centered Learning 1.Major challenges Students perception – work based students mixing obligations 17 (56.7%) agreed Workers perception – Insufficient ODL study skills and computer skills 7 (58.3%) agreed. 2. Major achievements Students perception – On Demand Exams (ODEX) 17 (56.7%) agreed Workers perception. Student Academic Record Information (SARIS) 9 (75.0%) agreed
V. Major Prospects 3. Major Prospects Students perception ICTs facilitating interaction and quick learning Increase of TEILE and graduation rate – In both prospects 18 (60.0%) agreed. Workers perception – ICTs facilitating interaction and quick learning 9 (75.0%) agreed.
VI. Conclusion To a large extent, ICTs guarantee effective and efficient Student - Centered Learning processes in ODL. ICTs enable vertical and horizontal interaction as well as quick Student – Centered Learning through TEILE and IPEM Students who have computer skills and ODL study skills enjoy studying by distance.
VII. Recommendations OUT is acknowledged for intensifying TEILE and IPEM in Student - Centered Learning. It is recommended that OUT should not oversee its students who live in rural, remote areas. OUT’s time for orientation of new students study skills should be increased to a week. OUT should increase on-line sessions e.g. video conferencing.
THE END Thank You For Your Attention 12