PROGRAM IDEAS The idea is to make a game show with four contestants and one host It program is going to be run as a league with 6 rounds and a finals battle between the top 2. Games: Doritos Crash course/Fifa/Mario Kart/Super Smash Bros/ Modern Warfare 2/ Fight Night champions.
STUDIO PRODUCTION Using lighting in the studio Collar mics will be used instead of shotgun mics HDTV in the TV studio will be used to play games. 2 consoles will be used (xbox 360/wii u) plus several controllers. 3 JVC cameras will be used to record the footage. Game capture card will be used to capture game footage.
VISUAL STYLE We intend to make the look of the show colourful, with props such as a Han solo statue in the background, We intend to put colourful posters up on the black backdrop behind the contestants. The transition that we use will also be colourful.
CONTENT IDEAS Basically this will be a competition with 4 people battling it out in 6 different games, if you win a game you get a 4 points, 2 nd gets 3 points, 3 rd gets 2 points and 4 th gets only 1 point. Whoever gets the most points wins the tournament. If there is a draw at the top of the table then there will be a bonus match.
PRESENTATION STYLE We will have a presenter on the game show, who will narrate over the events that are taking place, he will also add in voice overs during post production describing what the rules are of the game, who the contestants are and who won.
SCRIPTS In terms of a script we’ll have a show outline explaining what we will start with right all the way up to when we finish, the presenter will have some dialogue to say over which will be added in during post, but in terms of story structure it won’t have the same levels of drama that a show such as deal or no deal has, it will be very laid back and a lot of the events that will take place will be spontaneous.
LINKS AND INSERTS Inserts: we will be using multiple shots from various angles that will be weaved in with the master shot.
REFINING ORIGINAL IDEAS TO FINAL SCRIPT Any ideas that we come up with for the show are still valid, nothing is set in stone, if we as a group thing something is a good then we would have no problem adding it into the show.
PLANNING PROCESSES We have had several discussions both inside and outside of class time. During these sessions we have made plans for shooting and what the entire outline of the show is going to be.
RANGE OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 2 JVC HD cameras (with tripod) Shotgun microphone HDTV Game capture card Mac book (for recorded footage)
ALLOCATION OF JOB ROLES Some of the contestants involved with the production will also be competing during the game show, we will have somebody on the switcher, most of the equipment will be shut down and recording the participants, if there’s any technical difficulties then we will
CONVERSIONS OF SCRIPTS TO SHOT LISTS We came up with an idea and layout of the show, although there is a structure to the show, there isn’t really that much of a story, so doing a script with dialogue was unnecessary we did however do up a screenplay writing up a outline for the show. In terms of a shot list we have 4 cameras filming the event during the shoot, having a wide shot, two medium shot and a camera filming the gameplay off the TV.
DESIGN AND LIGHTING The background will have posters set up making the background look as interesting rather than having a dull black backdrop. There may also include props to fill up the frame and make it look as interesting as possible.
SET The set will be the TV studio, we will set up the HDTV in front of the chairs where the contestants will sit. The lights in the studio will be above the cameras and pointed directly at the contestants.
SOUND Sound will be picked up by the shotgun mics, this will be much easier to use over the collar mics as we want to catch everyone’s reaction
CARRYING OUT LOCATION RECCE We were filming in the studio so we had a good idea of the idea of what it would be like filming at that location, fortunately enough it was indoors so it was very handy for us to film there without weather being a issue.
TIMING AND SEQUENCING We are filming the show in chronological order, this is necessary as it is a competition so shooting it mixed up wouldn’t make much sense. In terms of timing, a lot of what happens during the show is spontaneously because of the nature of it being a game show so a lot of which happens happens on the fly.
HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS We will take into consideration all of the necessary precautions whenever we are working on set, even though we won’t be filming in a dangerous environment outside, we still will be aware of the dangers of working in a TV studio.
PRODUCTION DOCUMENTATION We are currently doing pre production for the planning of the principle photography, the pre- production includes shot list, storyboard, screenplay, timetable, equipment budget and health and safety.
TIMED SCRIPTS A lot of which happens happens on the fly, things such as banter between the contestants and what happens in the game will be spontaneous.
SHOT LISTS We have a good idea of what types of shots we want to get for the multicam show, there will be 3 JVC’s filming the event as well as the studio cameras filming as backup. The shots we plan to get consist of a master wide shot, a medium shot from the side, a shot over the should as well as many more, it might be possible that we will also be using a go pro to film the event.
STUDIO FLOOR PLANS We have discussed a outline for the look of the show, the position the contestants will sit, the background, the TV and the cameras which will be placed in such a way that you can’t see them in frame.
LOCATION PLANS We will do out a production schedule before principle photography starts, we will only be using one location for the filming which will be the TV studio so we won’t have to worry about filming external scenes
LIGHTING PLANS Lighting will be much easier to control than other projects as we will be filming inside of a studio environment, the studio lights will be our primary source but if necessary we will also use extra backup lights.
RISK ASSESSMENT There isn’t too many risks since we will be working in a studio, however we will make necessary precaution to ensure that accidents don’t occur, for example, taping down wires to avoid tripping.
EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST We will do a checklist for all of the equipment that we need for the day of shooting.
CAMERA SCRIPT We have planned a day where we will get a practice shoot in the studio which will allow us to get a good understanding of what would be the best way to film the production.