Kərimova İlhamə Ələhməd qızı Şəki şəhər 12№-li tam orta məktəb
Subject: English Lesson: Eating for a healthy heart
Aim: To enrich the Is‘ outlook on the importance of healthy eating, through by practising listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. Objectives: Student Speaks on the pictures describing them Builds up sentences using the key words. Answer the questions Speaks about the importance of healthy eating Sorts the names of food into countable and uncountable nouns. Writes an essey about healthy food. Standarts: , , , Strategy: Claster, Role play, Description Integration: Sicence Native Language Interaction: yw, pw, cw Resources: Sb, flashcards, markers, food, vegetables
1. Where are these people? 2. What are they eating?
How do you think, are all these food healthy? What comes to your mind, when we say healthy eating?
Healthy food Eat less salt Eat less fat Eat morefruitand vegetables Eat less sugar
Then I direct Is‘rettention to the text on p. 73. Eating for a healthy heart. “ They will understand what are good/bad for heart. They will build up sentences using the new key words.
Key words: Affect [ ə‘fekt] (v) –make a smith. different Reduce [rı‘dju:s] (n)- make smith. smaller or less Disease [dızi:z] (v)- an illness Flavour [‘fleıvə] (v) – to give taste to food Mustard [m stəd] (n)- a yellow souce with strong taste Snack [snæk] (n)- a small quick meal Cris [krısp] (n)- a very thin piece ot potato cooked in hot oil Spice [spaıs] (n)– a powder or the seeds from a plant
I group: Fill in the gaps with the words given below: Mustard, reduce, flavour, affect, snack, crisps,desease. 1.Her low spirit …. Everybody 2.Jane suffers from heart… 3.The ingredients … the soup 4.She doesn’t like much…. 5.My mother … her plans for tomorrow 6.We didn’t have time for … 7.Tom likes…
II group Complete sentences using much, many, little, a lot of Too … food makes you thin. Too … food makes you fat. Too … sweet are bad for you teeth. Eat … high fat food. … fruit and vegetables keep your health. Walking … makes you fit. Sleeping too … or too … can make you nervousand restless
III group Separate the words into countable and uncountable nouns. Milk, sugar, potato, carrot, salt, onion, apple, tomato, sour-cream, lemon, sandwich, bread, rice, flavour, egg cucember Then each group reads own exercise. After that they listen to the doctor' s advice.
Doctor‘s advice Eating carot is god for the eyes. Fish is good for the brain. Carlic stops you getiing colds Banana is good for your muscles Apricot is good for you skin Green protects your teeth
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Gündə 1 alma yesən, həkimdən uzaq olarsan. Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Yaşamaq üçün ye, yemək üçün yaşama Good health is above wealth Appetite comes with eating Iştaha dil altındadır. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. Doyunca ye, qədərincə iç.
Summary: is got enough information. They cn separate healthy and unhealthy food. They can speak about the importance of healthy feating, sort the names of food into countable and uncountable nouns.
Creative work Write an essey: “ How I take care of myself”
ABCD Speaks on the pictures descibing them Build up sentences using the key words Answers the questions Speaks about the importance of healthy eating Sorts the names of food into countable and countable nouns Writes an essey