BACWA – Leading the way to protect our Bay 2008 Year in Review and Hot Topics for 2009 David Tucker Chair of the Executive Board January 2009
2008 Another Busy Year for BACWA Completion of Three Major Water Quality Initiatives Completion of Three Major Water Quality Initiatives Collection System Issues Were on Everyone’s Mind Collection System Issues Were on Everyone’s Mind Permit and WQ issues Permit and WQ issues GHG and Climate Change GHG and Climate Change Biosolids, Web Site, Science and More Biosolids, Web Site, Science and More
Cyanide and Copper SSO Fully Adopted by US EPA Cu SSO Cu SSO –use of EPA’s Water Effects Ratio Cyanide SSO Cyanide SSO –Attenuation for shallow Water dischargers –Model to determine level of attenuation 2008 year in review
Mercury Watershed Permit Effective With EPA Adoption of Mercury TMDL, permit became effective March 2008 With EPA Adoption of Mercury TMDL, permit became effective March 2008 –First Annual report now being prepared Watershed Permit the first of it’s kind for our Region Watershed Permit the first of it’s kind for our Region –Cost effective approach to developing a permit, adoption hearing and reporting –With experience will determine if should expand to include more pollutants 2008 year in review
November 7, 2007: Cosco Busan strikes the Bay Bridge Collision causes a 100 foot long gash in its hull 54,000 gallons of bunker fuel discharged the Bay Public is outraged 2008 year in review
Subsequent Winter SSOs – Overflow of Anger and Distrust BACWA prepared response to support members: BACWA prepared response to support members: –Wet weather workshop to communicate new regulatory atmosphere –FAQs about collection system issues –Coordination and Communication with WB staff and BayKeeper to prepare for November 2008 WB Briefing 2008 year in review
Permit Reviews and WQ Issues Permit Committee with technical consultant-support review and commented on permits Permit Committee with technical consultant-support review and commented on permits WQ Issues WQ Issues –Dioxin Strategy –Se TMDL –No Drugs Down the Drain and other P2 Dental amalgam; mercury thermometer and FOG Dental amalgam; mercury thermometer and FOG 2008 year in review
Biosolids Management Takes on a New Focus Ongoing concerns: Ongoing concerns: –Solano County reports –Regional Facility Workshop in June: Workshop in June: –Public info –White paper –Position Paper –Cross media impacts 2008 Year in Review
Climate Change and GHG BACWA AIR active in statewide CWCCG BACWA AIR active in statewide CWCCG Focused comments on ARB Scoping Plan for AB-32 including: Focused comments on ARB Scoping Plan for AB-32 including: –Cross media conflicts among decisions on air; land and water conflicts among decisions on air; land and water –Water Recycling and water conservation Plan was unfair to communities who have fully developed water efficiency measures Plan was unfair to communities who have fully developed water efficiency measures –Concern about what Cap/Trade will mean for public agencies 2008 year in review
Web Site, Science and More BACWA continued improvements to its Web site BACWA continued improvements to its Web site –More documents; more uses by committees Aquatic Science Center Just completed first year Aquatic Science Center Just completed first year –Already a success in that more work for SFEI Prop 50, Regional Water Conservation and Operator Training Prop 50, Regional Water Conservation and Operator Training –BACWA support for other’s programs 2008 year in review
Long-term Compliance with WQ and Other Requirements BACWA Will continue to focus on TMLD and Water Quality Attainment Strategies BACWA Will continue to focus on TMLD and Water Quality Attainment Strategies –Se for North SF Bay –PCB TMDL at SWRCB in 2009 at SWRCB in and Beyond
BACWA’s Dioxin Strategy Five Year RMP Studies ($500,000) to increase our understanding of sources and impacts Five Year RMP Studies ($500,000) to increase our understanding of sources and impacts Independent Panel recommends permitting approach with TEF/BEFs for compliance Independent Panel recommends permitting approach with TEF/BEFs for compliance Control of GHG and BAAQMD extension of No-Burn may reduce loads Control of GHG and BAAQMD extension of No-Burn may reduce loads 2009 and Beyond
Lab Committee to Provide New Dioxin Sampling Protocols Review of data indicates we can improve our protocols and reviews leading to improved compliance Review of data indicates we can improve our protocols and reviews leading to improved compliance Get your staff engaged and look for a workshop soon Get your staff engaged and look for a workshop soon Difference between a number you can comply with and one you cannot Difference between a number you can comply with and one you cannot 2009 and Beyond
Strategic Planning Effort to Focus our Activities on Regional Issues Experience with Prop 50 Experience with Prop 50 process revealed how busy process revealed how busy we can get we can get Leadership working to focus Leadership working to focus resources on most pressing resources on most pressing priorities priorities BACWA is already strong and credible – planning will build a better and more effective association BACWA is already strong and credible – planning will build a better and more effective association 2009 and Beyond
BACWA Values – Work in Progress! Use the best available knowledge, including scientific/technical information Use the best available knowledge, including scientific/technical information Support regulatory compliance by members Support regulatory compliance by members Promote stewardship of the Bay Environment Promote stewardship of the Bay Environment Seek regional solutions and promote regional collaborations and partnerships Seek regional solutions and promote regional collaborations and partnerships 2009 and Beyond
BACWA Values – Work in Progress! Conduct business in an open and transparent manner Conduct business in an open and transparent manner Ensure prudent use of financial resources Ensure prudent use of financial resources Provide services which are valuable to members Provide services which are valuable to members 2009 and Beyond
Information on Regulatory and Policy Issues Informed membership Informed membership –Committee participation –Web site –Other communication Position development Position development –Policy papers –Position papers –Comment letters –Engage expert consultant resources 2009 and Beyond
Support Members to Achieve Compliance Participation in TMDLs Participation in TMDLs Review and comment on permits Review and comment on permits Compliance the Hg Watershed Permit Compliance the Hg Watershed Permit –Dental Program –Technical Studies –Risk Reduction Collection System issues – WDR and Reporting Collection System issues – WDR and Reporting Looking to the future Looking to the future 2009 and Beyond
InfoShare Has Expanded BAMI and Ops InfoShare - networking groups to engage professional staff BAMI and Ops InfoShare - networking groups to engage professional staff –Meeting quarterly –Minutes on web site –Focus on infoshare –Support of day to day work Expanded to Engineering Expanded to Engineering –CIP and other infrastructure 2009 and Beyond
BACWA Is Highly Visible Regular meetings with WB staff, EPA and SFEI Regular meetings with WB staff, EPA and SFEI Participation in Public Hearings at SWRCB, Water Board and ARB Participation in Public Hearings at SWRCB, Water Board and ARB Participation in Statewide groups with CASA, CVCWA, and SCAP Participation in Statewide groups with CASA, CVCWA, and SCAP –Comment letters often carry all logos 2009 and Beyond
Succession Planning Let’s face it – some of us are getting old! Let’s face it – some of us are getting old! 2009 and Beyond BACWA relies on our members expertise and commitment
25 Years of Service to Members and the Protection of the Bay Through leadership, service and advocacy for its members, and advocacy for its members, BACWA provides an effective regional voice for the clean water industry’s role in stewardship of the San Francisco Bay environment
Leading the Way to Protect Our Bay