Paranasal Air Sinuses Diverticula grow from nasal cavity walls into surrounding bones Openings of outgrowths persist as orifices of adult sinuses At Birth- no frontal or sphenoidal sinuses Maxillary-3-4 mm Ant & post Ethmoidal- Few cells
Paranasal Air Sinuses Ethmoidal- small uptil 2 yrs grows rapidly 6-8 yrs Maxillary- grows slowly till puberty, fully developed in adulthood Frontal grows from ant ethmoidal-2yrs rapid dev. 7yrs Sphenidal-grows from post. Eth. 2 yrs
Pharyngeal arches & primordial Pharynx
Laryngotracheal groove
Trachea & Oesophagus
Larynx 4 wks5 wks 6wks 10 wks
Bronchi 4 th wk-lung bud 5 th wk-bronchial buds 6 th wk-angiogenetic mesenchyme around prim. Br. 7 th wk- tertiary br., bronchopul. Seg. Formed 24 wks-17 orders of bronchi formed After birth- 7 orders
Stages of Lung Development
Histogenesis Splanchnic Mesoderm Connective tissue Cartilage Muscle Capillaries Visceral pleura Somatic Mesoderm Parietal pleura Endoderm epithelium
Stages of Lung Development Pseudoglandular phase 7-17 wks Development of lower conducting airway & acini Lung resembles exocrine gland Epithelium-mesenchyme interactions Airway epithelium differentiates Mucous glands-12wks enlarge, 14 wks-secretion Sm. M & CT differentiate No gaseous exchange
Stages of Lung Development Canalicular phase wks Overlaps with pseudoglandular phase Lumina of bronchi enlarge 3 generations of branching Resp. br. & alveolar ducts formed Saw–toothed margins of distal regions –acini Type I & II pneumocytes Surfactant - 6 months Gaseous exchange possible
Stages of Lung Development
Stages of Lung Development Sacular / terminal sac phase 24 wks – birth More terminal sacs with thin epithelium Type I & II alveolar cells – surfactant increases Interstitial tissue decreases Cap.plexus–double cap. layer between alveoli Elastin deposited beneath ep. Lymphatics develop Fetus can survive if born
Stages of Lung Development Alveolar phase Late fetal period – childhood Thinning of alveolar lining cells, thin alveolocapillary membrane- gaseous exchange is easy Increase in no. of alveoli 50 million at full term(1/6 adult no.) Fusion of cap. nets of adjacent alveoli
Stages of Lung Development
Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula
Congenital anomalies of lungs Lobe of Azygous V Congenital Pul. Cysts Lung Agenesis Lung Hypoplasia Accessory Lung Abnormal fissures Abnormal lobes