Speed Development Derek DeBarr Pleasant Plains High School
Principles Train at high intensity only Use auto-reg to individually tailor each workout Keep volume low, but intense Rest days are just as important as workout days Technique trumps volume Train short to long Time and publish EVERYTHING!
Does it work? Both Indoors20-Jan23-Mar Name GradeFly 10 Bee, Matt Ely, Zach Georges, Nik Hagmann, Jon Harmoney, Skyler91.19 Ingram, Kevin Johnson, Bill Kaufmann, Mason Mayer, Austin Miller, Jonah Miller, Noah Mudra, David Oxley, Noah11 Peterson, Derek Samson, Nikolas Shultz, David Verhulst, Jakob Wayda, Jake 1.19 Young, Riley Young, Jason Out of 11 9 Improved 81% 1 Tied 9% 1 regressed 9%
Improvement in Short Sprinters 2015 Jakob Verhulst 16.34, 9.60 Mason Kaufmann 11.9, 25.4 Noah Miller 12.4 David Mudra 12.4, 26.4 Jake Wayda HH Riley Young 12.9 David Shultz 17.0, 20’.75” Nik Georges 41’5.5” , , , HH , 17’5” 38’6”
What about for 400 runners? 2015 David Shultz , 53 Jonah Miller Jakob Verhulst- 56 Jake Wayda- 40.9, 50.9 (54) Riley Young- 1: , 59 1:01 1: , :06
The Basics Banana Hurdle Drills Spaced roughly 1.9 meters Use shorter hurdles 7-10 hurdles 10 or so passes Progress to hands over head – be sure elbows are straight Then use unweighted PVC pipe Weight up to 3, then 6, then 9 pounds Crowbars work wonderfully Sprint Drills A skips- try to hit 1 per meter B skips A/C Straight leg shuffle (prime times) Backward Run
The Basics Mobility Leg swings Fire Hydrants Mule Kick (extenders) Iron Cross Scorpions Wall drill Ankle Mobility Stair walks w/ pop Toe up/shin forward walk Hands on hip, shins forward, jump x6 Squat jumps x6 Quick jumps x6
The Basics Bounds Bounds for Height Bounds for Distance Single Leg Tuck Run-Run-Bound Standing Triple Jump Standing 5-Jump Basic Plyos Tuck Jumps Pogo Jumps Split Lunge Jumps Russian Split Lunge Jumps Wall Jumps ¼, ½, full Box Jumps Depth Jumps Depth Jump+hurdle
The Reasoning Build up on the race Acceleration 1 st Speed Endurance 2 nd Special Endurance 3 rd
Workouts Each athlete is different and has different capacities That is why everything is timed After a 3% drop off, the athlete is done Work acceleration, then up to speed endurance, then special endurance
Acceleration 0-35 M (approximately) Work on proper mechanics Phase where an athlete can be coached more Focus on: Hip extension, split arms, pushing behind the body
Speed Endurance Humans can only hold max speed for 3 seconds This is due to coordination issues Max speed is hit around 40 meters Deceleration starts around 70 meters, even for elites Workouts should be less than 70 meters, or 3 seconds at top speed
Speed Endurance Testing the meter zone Fly 10s at the end of a 40 meter run up (This works acceleration+speed development) Fly anything= measuring a distance with a run in – Useful for relay splits (a 4x400 is a fly 400, for example)
Special Endurance Also called lactate After 70 meters These workouts come later in the season, must be built after good habits have been established
Special Endurance/Lactate Workouts 23 Second drill – Run 23 seconds all out, measure distance – Rest 8 minutes, repeat. Done. 3x100 w/ 3 min rest 400 Predictor – 3x200 w/3 min rest – Add the times, divide by 3, multiply by 2, add 2 – Scary accurate Fly 100s give an accurate representation of 4x100 splits Critical zone- 300 (only in May) – Run 200, :45 rest, run 100. Rest 8 Min. Run 150, :45 rest, Run 150 – Can be done with 400 instead of 300 for really fast kids Many more. Be imaginative. Stay south of 600 meters.
Meets Use small meets as workouts for fast kids Proving grounds for JV kids Run all sprinters in a 4x100; you never know when they will be called up Mix up 4x400 for lactate work 5 kids worked their way from JV to Varsity relays by proving themselves in these meets
Workout plan JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay Monday40s/Fly 10s50 M/Fly 1060M/Fly 1070M/Fly 10 TuesdayFilm/Drills Film/DrillFilm/Drills WednesdayPlyos 23 Second Lactate/Meet Critical Zone ThursdayFilm/Drills 30M Block Friday30M Starts23 SecondFilm/Drills SaturdayOff Meet SundayOff