Lyons Township High School, Physical Welfare Division
“Tailoring the curriculum, teaching environment and practices to create appropriately different learning experiences for students in order to meet each student’s needs.” (IAPHERD, Fall 2011)
Resources for Idaho Teachers: Differentiation Framework. Obtained from: DIFFERENTIATION CONTENT PROCESSPRODUCT Facts & SkillsActivities Method
Content Differentiation Readiness (Facts & Skills) -Do the students have background knowledge & skill? - What does your assessment information tell you in regard to the level at which each student is ready to begin learning? Interest (Activities) -Can students focus on an area of personal interest and still acquire the big idea? Learning Style (Method) Can the material meet the needs of different learning styles and different intelligences?
Resources for Idaho Teachers: Differentiation Framework. Obtained from: PROCESS DIFFERENTIATION Readiness (Facts & Skills) Are your activities and resources varied in regard to the level of difficulty? Interest (Activities) Is it logical for students to choose how they interact with the ideas and skills? Learning Style (Method) Can different activities be provided to fit the needs of visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners?
Readiness (Facts & Skills) Can you create a summative product that you adapt to fit varying ability levels? Interest (Activities) Can the same skills be demonstrated through a menu of product options (which the students select)? Learning Style (Method) Is it practical to meet the needs of each learning style by offering a variety of product options? Resources for Idaho Teachers: Differentiation Framework. Obtained from: PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION
Allows for various and diverse student readiness Skill set Level of confidence Interest Key is knowing not all students are the same
Fitness/Cardio based class based on points earned for being in THR Lecture/Classroom component Homework largely based on evaluation and self-reflection Hybrid of teacher directed workouts and choice days.
Students previously introduced to concepts surrounding interval training and appropriate timelines/overloads for workouts Based on fitness level and exercise experience students choose one of three various ways to complete a 20min. workout
Level 1: HR ≈ 180bpm for straightaways with active rest of a HR bpm on curves performed on a 400m track. Level 2: HR ≈ 180bpm for ½ the track with active rest of a HR of bpm for ½ the track Level 3: HR ≈ 180bpm for full lap allowing for an active rest until HR drops to 140bpm.
Students are previously exposed to equipment used in rotation Students reference “Idea Board” created as visual aid at given station which carry common themes Evaluation based on HRM data and participation points for adhering to good technical form and safety
Suggested Themes 1. Intense Cardio: Run/Skip/Shuffle/Carioca 2. Medicine Balls: Partner Pass/Partner Crunch/Around the Waist/Triceps Extension/Bicep Curl/Plank Balance 3. Jump Rope: Basic Bounce/One Foot Alternators/Double Jump/Criss-Cross/Jumping Jacks Feet 4. Core: Bicycles/Dead Bugs/Plank/Swimmer/Regular Crunches 5. Ladder Agility: Hi Knees/Crossovers/Two Feet Each Rung/Ali Shuffle 6. Hurdles: One Foot Hops/Two Foot Quick Jumps/Sideways Hops
Students run mile as partner records splits HRM data downloaded and printed HRM graphs compared to Split Sheets Workout is followed by discussion about pacing, mile time, and goal setting
Think about your most diverse class. Next, identify a lesson previously taught to this class. Write a brief description of lesson. Brainstorm with colleagues and list ideas for how you could differentiate this lesson.