FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Small Farmer Commercialisation Theme Report & Plans
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Research Questions How & under what conditions do SF commercialise? Which markets, crops? What policy supports this? Factors for success? To what degree, what benefit? How much are SF commercialised? Variations across farms, through time? Benefit to SF from commercialisation? Variations x farm, gender, time? Sustaining benefits? Markets, pests, environment, politics Multipliers in rest of rural economy: rural wages!
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Emerging Questions Interactions with LS firms & markets Scope for contract farming, linking SF to processors, wholesalers, retailers How risky is more commercial farming? Market gluts? Market co-ordination Is commercialisation at expense of: food security, environment, Access to resources: Water, land, labour…Equity Does it widen economic and social differences? Does it harm women, minorities, the poor?
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Work done since Feb 09 Surveys & 1 st round analysis: h’hold quest & focus groups Lume District, Ethiopia Kenya: Athi River, Kinangop, Lari, Mai Mahiu Malawi: Nkhotakota & Ntchisi Tanzania: Kilosa & Kilolo
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 The Questionnaire Crop Seed, fertilizer, inputs, Sales, spoil, retain Livestock Number, value Inputs, outputs Extension Content, provider, Methods, preferences Meeting places, Interaction, Willingness to pay, Satisfaction, rating Input Use Quantity, price, source, Distance, cash or credit Credit, banking Labor costs Km to infrastructure/services Extension, tarmac, airtime Demography Age, Education, mobile Off farm and salary income Expenditure, assets
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 The Qualitative Tool: 4 Focus Groups Enterprises Farm sizes Off farm jobs and businesses Extension Availability, quality, relevance over time Needs, use, reasons, Providers, new sources Cell phones Ownership, use, cost Cell phones and ag information WTPay for 5 min call For what type of info , internet Weather info
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Work done since Feb 09 Papers: Can smallholder model deliver poverty reduction & food security for a rapidly growing population in Africa? — for FAO Reply to Profs Collier & Dercon Helping Africa Feed Itself — Brief for Friends of Europe Input Subsidies —Brief for APP [in progress]
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Early Findings from Surveys Success is possible, if complex Drivers & conditions for successful commercialisation Success linked to good natural endowments …... to markets, infrastructure peri-urban in Ethiopia & Kenya…note exceptions Most crops for domestic/regional markets, not export, Maize, tef, cotton, groundnuts, + chillies, onions, tomatoes Public investment important Road, irrigation, input quality, schools, macro Diminishing returns to agricultural extension? Limited access to factor markets: not binding Credit, land rental/purchase.
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Social differences Participants had slightly better assets Education, land holding, off farm income ? Before or because? Cross Country Cost labour & food basket differ. Wages: Ethiopia significantly < Kenya, Tanzania Institutional differences? From policy
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Nature of process & other points Commercialisation does not necessarily mean specialisation! But Tanzania exception: why? Age: are farmers getting older? Kenya: heads household average 51 years. Mobile phone use widespread Mainly for social purposes, not business. Not in Ethiopia
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Plans: Big Questions Dynamics between farming systems & local economies? Household characteristics Education, off farm, age, assets, gender etc ? Policy, public investment, social capital Multipliers: how strong in the local rural economy? What determines So what for Policy?, How to…?
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 Plans: X Cutting Themes & FAC Big Picture Link to CAADP Pillar II Scope to use villages to observe: Environmental change & CC Political influences Social differentiation & gender relations Land issues Potential to inform big debates
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March Yr Plans, Activities Get full value from existing country studies: Kenya, Malawi, Ethiopia Explore outliers and exceptions – Yr 1 Look deeper at emerging issues - Yr 2 using non quantitative methods – value chains, institutional analysis, etc Begin work in West Africa + TZ. Baseline surveys, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Tanzania Follow up insights from 1 st round analysis: e.g. Management of water Local politics and farming Re-survey all cases in last year
FAC Annual Meeting IDS March 2010 BudgetFY10-11FY11-12FY12-13 Further Analysis of data Ethiopia9,500 Kenya9,500 Malawi9,500 Baseline Surveys Ghana29,225 Burkina Faso29,225 Tanzania29,225 Bi annual Team Meeting8,250 6 Topical Deep Dives59,700 6 HH Resurveys + Analysis, write up dissemination157,950 Total124,42567,950166, , ,000 inflation