Load Resource Participation in EILS EILS Subgroup October 27, 2011
2 Load Resource in EILS Options Goal is to facilitate increased participation by Load Resource capacity in EILS Qualified Load Resources may be included in EILS Loads along with other Load Resource and/or non-Load Resource Sites Option 1: An ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is dedicated to EILS –All load at the premise is dedicated to EILS –Load Resource(s) must be withheld from AS participation during time periods the ESIID is obligated to EILS Option 2: A sub-metered load associated with an ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is dedicated to EILS –All sub-metered load at the premise is dedicated to EILS –Load Resource(s) in the sub-metered load must be withheld from AS participation during time periods the site is obligated to EILS Option 3: An ESIID or a sub-metered load associated with an ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is participating in both AS and EILS –Load Resources at the site can switch between AS and EILS as long as there is no simultaneous commitment of the same MW to both services October 27, 2011
3 EILS UpdateOctober 27, 2011 EILS Submission Form with LRs
4 EILS UpdateOctober 27, 2011 EILS Submission Form with LRs
5 EILS Submission Form Validations ‘LR at this Site’ Response must be consistent with data in ERCOT’s systems –If ‘LR at this Site’ response is ‘Yes’, ESIID cannot be blank (all registered Load Resources have an associated ESIID) – If ‘LR at this Site’ response is ‘Yes’, one or more Load Resources must be associated with the ESIID in ERCOT’s systems –If ‘LR at this Site’ response is ‘No’ and ESIID is not blank, ERCOT’s systems must not have Load Resources are associated with the ESIID If ‘LR at this Site’ response is ‘Yes’, the response to ‘LR in AS’ must be ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ If ‘LR in AS’ response is ‘Yes’, the Unique Meter Id cannot be blank –The QSE will be required to submit interval data for a site with this configuration –A non-blank Unique Meter ID flags ERCOT code to use the QSE data rather than ERCOT data October 27, 2011
6 Option 1 An ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is dedicated to EILS –All load at the premise is dedicated to EILS (during EILS awarded hours) –Submission form values Unique Meter Id is blank ‘LR at this Site’ response is ‘Yes’ ‘LR in AS’ response is ‘No’ –Load Resource(s) must be withheld from AS participation during time periods the ESIID is obligated to EILS –Performance data: will come from ERCOT systems –Validation: ERCOT will compare AS responsibilities to hours obligated for EILS –Baseline assignment: determined using ESIID premise data in ERCOT systems –Availability and test/event performance calculations will be the same as with non- Load resource October 27, 2011
7 Option 2 A sub-metered load associated with an ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is dedicated to EILS –Sub-metered load at the premise is dedicated to EILS (during EILS awarded hours) One or more Load Resources are included in the sub-metered load Other Load Resources and/or non-Load Resource load at the premise are not participating in EILS ERCOT will follow up with QSE to establish which Load Resources are providing EILS –Submission form values Unique Meter ID is not blank ‘LR at this Site’ response is ‘Yes’ ‘LR in AS’ response is ‘No’ –Load Resource(s) included in the sub-metered load must be withheld from AS participation during time periods the ESIID is obligated to EILS –Performance data: will come from QSE (format to be defined) 15-minute AS responsibilities 15-minute net load available to EILS (premise load less AS responsibility) October 27, 2011
8 Option 2 (continued) A sub-metered load associated with an ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is dedicated to EILS –Validation: ERCOT will compare AS responsibilities submitted by QSE to data in ERCOT systems ERCOT will compare net load available to EILS submitted by QSE to premise data in ERCOT systems less AS responsibility summed across all Load Resources associated with the ESIID –Baseline assignment: determined using historical sub-metered interval data provided by the QSE and will exclude Load Resource deployment intervals –Availability and test/event performance calculations will be the same as with non- Load resource October 27, 2011
9 Option 3 An ESIID or a sub-metered load associated with an ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is participating in both AS and EILS –Some or all of the Load Resources at the site can switch between AS and EILS on an interval-by-interval basis as long as there is no simultaneous commitment of the same MW to both services –Submission form values Unique Meter ID is not blank ‘LR at this Site’ response is ‘Yes’ ‘LR in AS’ response is ‘Yes’ –Performance data: will come from QSE (format to be defined) 15-minute AS responsibilities 15-minute net load available to EILS (premise load less AS responsibility) –Validation: ERCOT will compare AS responsibilities submitted by QSE to data in ERCOT systems ERCOT will compare net load available to EILS submitted by QSE to premise data in ERCOT systems less AS responsibility summed across all Load Resources associated with the ESIID October 27, 2011
10 Option 3 (continued) An ESIID or a sub-metered load associated with an ESIID that contains one or more Load Resources is participating in both AS and EILS –Baseline assignment: determined using premise interval data and will exclude Load Resource deployment intervals … the EILS load must qualify for a default baseline –Availability and test/event performance calculations will be based on premise load less AS responsibilities –If an AS deployment overlaps an EILS deployment The load reduction for each Load Resource will be attributed to AS up to the amount of its AS obligation Incremental load reduction, if any, will be attributed to EILS If the Load Resource reduces by less than its AS obligation, the Load Resource will be treated as contributing 0 MW to the EILS load reduction October 27, 2011
11 ON OFF October 27, 2011 Questions?