Argument and Persuasion Close Read Questions with Persuasive Devices.


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Presentation transcript:

Argument and Persuasion Close Read Questions with Persuasive Devices

Standards we will cover today: By Identify a writer’s attitude. Identify a writer’s purpose Discern the stated or implied main idea and supporting details of informational texts. Determine the appropriateness of a graphic used to support an informational text.

# 1 On your own paper, tell me why it might be important to know how argue your opinion on a topic. # 2 Make a small list of topics that you can form an opinion about and argue over. #3 Choose one topic that your wrote down, and form an opinion about it. Let’s say that your topic is gun control in the United States. On your paper, you will form an opinion about gun control. # 4 Now, tell me why it might be important for you to be able to appropriately argue about your specific topic. Now, let’s look at some notes on argument and persuasion.

Counterargument- A brief argument that denies the evidence that “the other side” is likely to raise. Sample Counterargument: Even though some people disagree with ________because of ___________, it is important to understand ___________ before jumping to a conclusion. Once all the facts are studied, it is easy to see why ______________ is the best solution.

back to the topic that you chose. You need to provide support for your claim. Come up with 3 reasons why you feel the way you do about your topic and claim.

iv.Check the claim – What is the writer trying to convince you to do or believe? Consider whether the reasons given actually support the claim. v.Examine the evidence- Does the information come from a trustworthy source? Is there enough of it to make the case?


vii. Consider the Counterargument- has the writer adequately dealt with likely objections?

Sample Counterargument: Even though some people disagree with ___________ because of ___________, it is important to understand ___________ before jumping to a conclusion. Once all the facts are studied, it is easy to see why ______________ is the best solution. Now, turn to page 633 in your textbook. Let’s read the Youth Voter Participation Article. You will need a blank sheet of paper for this assignment. Label it : Close Read Argument and Persuasion Questions Even though some citizens think that weapons are extremely dangerous to our society because of ___________________________, it is important that we understand that our society was built on certain freedoms and rights. One of those rights was the right to carry weapons. ….

In order for democracy to work, people need to vote. Reasons that support his claim: 1.Voting gives people a voice Examples a)Ensure that your kids receive the best education b)That you will collect your social security benefits c)That your taxes will support research for life-threatening diseases. Page 633

Turn to page 634 for persuasive techniques Page 635

Page 636

Page 637

Great! 1.Now, take your notebook paper with the questions and pass it to the front. Keep your notes on your desk. 2.Get out a new sheet of paper, and write your name on the front along with the argument topic you chose. 3.Stand up, grab your notes, a pencil, and your new sheet of paper. 4.Trade your notes and your paper with a random person in the class. You will read this person’s topic, argument, reasons, and counterargument. 5.Then, on that person’s notebook paper ( The one that has their name and topic), You will do the following: i. Check the claim ii. Examine the evidence iii. Look for logic ( are their reasons logical)? iv. Consider the counterargument 6. Finally, you will write this person a friendly, yet helpful critic of his or her argument. Make sure to give this person pointers of what he or she needs, what he or she is missing, or what he or she did well on. 7. Repeat this process with two other people. Try not to look at what other people wrote. You don’t want your comments to look the same as everyone else’s.