Challenges to academic libraries Planning for the future in CCLIR Bradford Lee Eden, Ph.D. Dean of Library Services Valparaiso University
Current challenges for academic libraries (short version) collections) Distributed print repositories, shared print-in-place Open stack: $4.26; High density storage:.86; 30-50% of Harvard, UCLA, UCB, and Columbia’s collections are off-site with no evidence of adverse effects on scholarship or national reputation (70 million books) Michigan Library Council already working with 12 small-mid size universities on joint print agreements, ALI will begin discussions in June to explore. Move towards open access and the unsustainability of scholarly publishing Data management plans and digital preservation (NIH, NSF, etc.) Institutional repositories Copyright/Author rights Even Harvard isn’t immune upid=icb.tabgroup subscriptions-cannot-be-sustained-harvard-library- committee-urges-open-access/42589 Web and Library 3.0, mobile devices, media literacy 3D information visualization
Current challenges for CCLIR Declining use of print reference collection – Internal statistics show a 50% decrease in the use of this collection between 2008 to 2011 There are approximately 11,000 print reference volumes located on the 2 nd floor of CCLIR – According to Paul Courant’s “On the cost of keeping a book” (The idea of order: transforming research collections for 21 st century scholarship CLIR June 2010) – 11,000 x $4.26 = $46,860 a year to maintain print reference collection in open stacks – 11,000 x.86 = $9,460 a year to maintain print reference collection in high density storage Today’s students want and need collaborative space that is modular and fits their needs at any given moment VU’s strategic plan calls for a 50% increase in enrollment in 5 years; CCLIR barely holds current student population during peak use periods. Space in CCLIR is at a premium, and will be as enrollment increases To begin the discussion (starting at Dean’s Council, into the Fall with Library’s Space Planning Committee, Library Advisory Council, Faculty Senate, VU students, Campus Planning and Space Allocation Committee, etc.): buy digital/electronic versions for as much of the print reference collection as possible, move remainder of print reference either into general collection or automated storage and robotic system (ASRS); transform and open up 1 st and 2 nd floors of CCLIR with modular furniture and space alternatives; provide study rooms for international and graduate students, and a child care room partnering with Psychology/Early Childhood Education departments for staffing.
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