CINDERELLA Cinderella is on stage with her two step sisters. NARRATOR Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Cinderella who lived with her two.


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Presentation transcript:

CINDERELLA Cinderella is on stage with her two step sisters. NARRATOR Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Cinderella who lived with her two stepsisters named 1)Krista and 2)James They were mean to Cinderella and made her 3)studying Cinderella pantomimes the chore while her stepsisters laugh at her. Then her stepmother comes on stage. NARRATOR (CONT.) When Cinderella was done with that chore, her 4)thin Stepmother made her 5clean Stepmother acts in a way that fits the adjective in #4 and Cinderella pantomimes the new chore. A prince appears on stage. NARRATOR (CONT.) One day the Prince announced he was having a 6)pijama party

PRINCE I'm having a 6)pijama party Prince exits. Cinderella and her stepsisters are excited. NARRATOR Everyone wanted to go, even Cinderella. But her stepmother had one more chore for her. STEPMOTHER You can go if you clean all the 7)monkey Stepsisters laugh and leave with stepmother. Cinderella pantomimes cleaning. NARRATOR: Cinderella tried cleaning them all but it was taking forever because there were so many. There were almost 8)554 Cinderella cleans faster but she is a getting tired and sad and finally falls down. She is so tired, she can't go on and cries. NARRATOR (CONT.) Suddenly a magical 9)dancer appeared. Magical person comes on stage and Cinderella is surprised to see them. MAGICAL PERSON: Cinderella. I am here to help you go to the party. Cinderella is excited. MAGICAL PERSON: First, I will turn 10) spoon into a dress. Magical person does this and Cinderella pretends to put on the dress. MAGICAL PERSON Then I will turn 11)salad into a carriage. Magical person pretends to do this and Cinderella pretends to get into this carriage. MAGICAL PERSON (CONT. )

Finally I will get some 12)lions Actors come in acting like these animals. MAGICAL PERSON (CONT.)...and turn them into horses. Actors who were the animals now act like horses. NARRATOR: Then Cinderella was given slippers made of 13) wood Cinderella puts these shoes on and does a little dance in them (the dance will be easy or hide depending what they are made of). MAGICAL PERSON : Have fun at the party. But remember the spell ends at 14)12:10 Cinderella gets in carriage and rides behind actors being horses and they go in circles around the stage and magical person exits. Actors enter as party guests. NARRATOR: Cinderella arrived at the 6) pijama party and everyone was 15) dancing

Party guests pretend like they are doing 15. One guest becomes the Prince. NARRATOR (CONT.) Then the prince saw Cinderella and said...16) lol The Prince and Cinderella had a wonderful time. But then the clock struck 14) 12:10 Cinderella freaks out and runs away. PRINCE Wait you left your 13) wood Slipper. NARRATOR: The next day the prince went looking for Cinderella. He couldn't find her because her stepmother had locked her in the 17) kitchen During the narrator above, the Prince is searching around and the Stepmother locks up Cinderella. NARRATOR : But Cinderella's little friend, a talking 18) parrot ANIMAL 18 Hi. NARRATOR: saw her trapped and guided the Prince to her. ANIMAL 18 This way.

Animal leads Prince to Cinderella. The Prince tries the slipper on Cinderella and it fits. NARRATOR: The Prince tries the 13) wood slipper on Cinderella and it is a perfect fit. ALL: And they all lived happily ever after. The End


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