Micron Associates :2012 TRENDS
Micron Associates: Smart network could create jobs, economic growth grows LONDON (Reuters) -Ernst & Young report said on Tuesday, Britain could drive 13 billion pounds ($21 billion)into its economy and make up to 10,000 jobs by improving its power distribution network with smart grid technologies. The technology has the possibilities to change the way electricity is generated, distributed and consumed just as the internet changed the way the world communicates, Smart network advocates said. In order to maximize competence in supply and demand and to reduce costs that is for home and businesses – even for those opting for low-carbon technologies, such as electric cars or solar power, the idea is to create a huge communication network. However utilities director at Ernst & Young said that this kind of advancement will require an added investment of 23 billion pounds and up to 2050, a business as usual approach using conventional technology will cost 42 billion, Bill Easton claimed..Read Full Story.Read Full Story
2012 Micron Associates the growing apps: Your success of mobile marketing (Reuters) – The very well-known puzzle game Angry Birds within the Smartphone applications are turning into a key driver for mobile advertising, as mobile applications become the major distribution ways for media on handheld devices. Many applications are free from Apple itself firs launched the App store in 2007for the iPhone. As well as Google that has a booming app store for its android phones,based from the report of in Micron Associates. In the beginning, most developers of such applications seemed that they would have a hard time making enough money for their small software programs like playing games to checking the weather or recognizing songs... Read Full Story Read Full Story
Micron Associates: Smartphone Payment is on the Go! According to Pew Research survey released on Tuesday in Micron Associates, the use of handheld devices such as smart phones or tablets that serve as a digital “wallets” will be usually in not as much of a decade, seriously replacing cash and credit cards. In the statistics, sixty-five percent has the same opinion that handheld gadgets would be an ordinary way to pay by the year 2020 as the technology stakeholders and critics responded to an opt-in poll by the Pew Research and Elon University. Google’s chief economist named Hal Varian quoted in the survey,” The year 2020 might be quite positive, but this will surely happen”. “Today’s stuff in your wallet will all be fitted in your mobile device and will inevitably do so,” he continued. Google last year launched a “Wallet” service that is only intended for android-powered mobile phones used to “tap and pay” for purchases in shops...Read Full StoryRead Full Story
2012 TRENDS: The Micron Buck Boost Transformer If you are looking for the widest line of transformers and power supplies in the industry, Micron Associates are here to help you to make a solution for your problems. Micron Associates known as the leading major electrical manufacturer around the world. Among all of their products, Buck Boost Transformer is just one of the best they provide to their consumers. Buck Boost Transformer are used when significantly lower voltages are needed, as in low voltage lightning and landscape lighting. For loads demanding slightly higher voltages than available a Buck Boost Transformer can be designed such that the majority of the line load is passed directly through to the power source while only that amount of kVA needed to adjust to corrected specifications is actually added...Read Full StoryRead Full Story