OCLC Online Computer Library Center Options in Religion Joan S. Mitchell Editor in Chief, DDC OCLC Tuesday, 16 August 2005 Dewey Translators Meeting Oslo University College
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Outline Current Options in Religion Proposal for Arabic Edition Proposal for New General Option Issues in Use of Options Discussion
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Kinds of Options in Religion Options that reuse standard numbers with different meanings Options that use vacant numbers Options that use special symbols
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Options in Religion (1) (Option A: Class the sources of the religion in 220, other specific aspects of the religion in , comprehensive works on the religion in 230; in that case, class the Bible and Christianity in (Option B: Class in 210, and add to base number 21 the numbers following the base number for the religion in , e.g., Hinduism 210, Mahabharata ; in that case class philosophy and theory of religion in 200, its subdivisions in , specific aspects of comparative religion in , standard subdivisions of religion in
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Options in Religion (2) (Option C: Class in 291, and add to base number 291 the numbers following the base number for that religion in , e.g., Hinduism 291, Mahabharata (Option D: Class in 298, which is permanently unassigned298 (Option E: Place first by use of a letter or other symbol, e.g., Hinduism 2H0 (preceding 220 ), or 29H (preceding 291 or 292 ); add to the base number thus derived, e.g., to 2H or to 29H, the numbers following the base number for the religion in , e.g., Shivaism 2H5.13 or 29H.513)
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Proposal for Arabic Edition Current version: (Option A: Class the sources of the religion in 220, other specific aspects of the religion in , comprehensive works on the religion in 230; in that case, class the Bible and Christianity in Proposed version: (Option A: Class the sources of the religion in 220, other specific aspects of the religion in , comprehensive works on the religion in 230; in that case, class the Bible in 270 and Christianity in
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Proposal for New General Option Vacate Arrange religions in chronological/regional order
OCLC Online Computer Library Center UDC Class 2 Revision (1) 21 Prehistoric and primitive religions 22Religions of the Far East 23Religions of the Indian Subcontinent 24Buddhism 25Religions of antiquity. Minor cults and religions
OCLC Online Computer Library Center UDC Class 2 Revision (2) 26 Judaism 27Christianity 28Islam 29Modern spiritual movements
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Issues in Use of Options Inability to use standard numbers Inability for others to understand optional numbers Implementation rules needed for Options A and D, and for displaced notation in Option B
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Discussion Are attendees using options in religion? Should we replace Option A with the modified version? Should we consider a new optional development that redistributes the notation in a chronological/regional approach? Are there other approaches (e.g., browsers, deeper expansions)?