The Harpy Eagle By Blake
He’s looking for you!!!!!!! This harpy eagle can be from inches long. He can have a 6 ½ foot wing span.
There hungry!!!!!!!!! They are most likely looking for a sloth or a monkey!!! They most be really hungry at times.
Looking for supplies!!!!!!! The harpy eagle builds huge nest made of sticks and braches. They make there nest in the tallest tree in the rain forest.
He’s just to cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! This baby harpy eagle lives in the tropical lowlands of southeastern to northern Argentina and Brazil.
This is just a baby harpy eagle. A adult harpy is one of the largest birds of the world.
The backside of the harpy eagle is covered with slate black feathers and the underside is covered with white. There is a black band across the chest up to the neck. The head is pale gray and is crowned with double crest.
TAKING FLIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This bird is most likely 4-5 years old. That makes him full grown.
Just flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Harpy Eagle’s claws are strong enough to pick up a monkey. The beak is strong enough to rip the flesh from it’s pray.
This slid is for my bird sound!!!!!!!!!!!! Bird sound Choose a Bird of Prey Choose a Bird of Prey
The Harpy Eagle’s wings are so strong that they can fly up to 30 miles per hour.
Dark eyes and keen eyesight to spot prey. They also have a hooked gray bill Bold and beautiful The harpy eagle is legendary, although few people have seen one in the wild. This large bird of prey has a very distinctive look, with feathers atop its head that fan into a bold crest when the bird feels threatened. Some smaller feathers create a facial disk that may focus sound waves to improve the hearing, similar to