Vikings in the middle ages by: brandon B and Brady Y
Vikings transportation If a Viking was in its village it would not travel very far. Its main mode of transportation is by walking and long ships. The use there ships like we use cars.
Viking education! They had 7 different schools in Norway They also had privet schools. They had a range of 23 collages.
Vikings religion Islam 3.33 Christianity 85.6 Lutheranism 82.1 those are the main religions. There are some Vikings that don’t believe in religions so they don’t have any religion.
Viking burial sites! There are many burial sites associated with The Vikings. They believed they need to be buried with there possessions. There are some buried in Oberg, Gokstad and Glama.
Viking men first put on a long woolen shirt and long cloth trousers, which where held up by a sash or a drawstring. Viking woman wore a long linen dress it could be plain or pleated.
Vikings warfare The Vikings are greatly known for there warfare. They often used bow and arrows, spears, knifes, swords, and, helmets‘. They used helmets to protect them. They also fought in there own wars. With the weapons they used.
Vikings settlement Vikings were located in many places in Europe. Like Iceland, Greenland and parts of Russia. They traveled to Iceland by there ships. No body could get there unless they were on a Viking ship because the waves were too big for smaller ships. Vikings rarely aloud other people on there parts of Iceland.
Vikings number system! Ordinal Numbers fyrstr "first, foremost" annarr "second, another" þriði "third" fjórði "fourth" fimmti "fifth" sétti "sixth" sjaundi "seventh" átti *or* áttundi "eighth" níundi "ninth" tíundi "tenth" ellifti "eleventh" tólfti "twelfth" þrettándi "thirteenth" fjórtandi "fourteenth" fimtándi "fifteenth" sextándi "sixteenth" sjautándi "seventeenth" átjándi "eighteenth" nítjándi "nineteenth" tuttugandi "twentieth" tuttugandi ok fyrstr "twentieth-and-one, 21st" *or* fyrstr ok tuttugandi þrítugandi "thirtieth"
v The Vikings observed the fixed stars and wandering planets. They didn’t have computers. They usually used compasses. They didn’t seem to understand how our planets worked.
Vikings also have pets and domestic animals, as in pigs, sheep, cattle and horses. They had pets like cats. They also had a big kind of cat called a lynx. Showed at the bottom left corner. They used the lynx for protection if someone tried to break in and kill a Viking. Lynx are very strong
Viking art and literature They usually drew on rocks because they didn’t have paper so when they wrote letters they did them on rocks. They also wrote and drew on the inside of there homes to show there culture. They usually only read picture books.
Viking fun And Games! The Vikings played foot racing, swimming, wrestling and skiing. They also enjoyed watching Horse fighting, and there own kind of board games.
Viking fun facts!!! Did you know the word Viking waoriginally a verb. The ancient Vikings navigated by the instincts of birds. Because of Iceland's geographical isolation no human ever stepped foot on Iceland until medieval times.
More Viking interesting Facts! Did you know the Vikings founded a settlement in north America almost 500 years before Columbus discovered the new world in the year Vikings where sometimes used as guards for Byzantine emperors. At Vikings celebrations they drunk draughts of their enemies' blood out of drinking vessels fashioned from human skulls
Work sites! We used daily