General Information Tool Name and URL: DocsTeach Description: DocsTeach is a free online source for finding primary historical documents through the National Archives. DocsTeach is also used for finding, using, or creating activities based on primary sources.
Demonstration Browse activities based on historical era, historical thinking skills, or learning tools.
Demonstration Search for activities based on historical era, historical thinking skills, or learning tools.
Demonstration Create interactive learning activities based on specific learning skills.
Demonstration Browse historical documents by historical era, type of document, or recommended documents.
Demonstration Search historical documents by historical era, type of document, or recommended documents.
Included Features Create custom activities for the classroom using primary sources Share your activities with students by using DocsTeach Classrooms Use lessons that other educators have created Explore, bookmark, and share primary sources from the National Archives All features on DocsTeach are free!
Required Equipment Any equipment that would support viewing online material in the classroom or library would be necessary to view information from the website. If a schools access to the internet is limited, teachers have the option of printing material and making copies for students. In this case, the only material needed would be a printer and copier with plenty of paper.
Classroom Applications The most appropriate setting for DocsTeach is a social studies or history classroom for grades 8+ or higher education. Sample lessons on DocsTeach include: Sequencing - Teachers can select a set of primary sources to establish a sequence or the way historical events happen at the same time within a time period. Students will carefully analyze each document to find the correct sequence for the documents. Students will be able to understand historical events, actions, and figures in context. Interpreting Data - Teachers will choose one or more documents that use data to communicate or persuade. The teacher will insert questions or comments for students to respond or reflect while reading the document. Students will engage in higher level thinking by analyzing, explaining, and considering the purpose of the document. Students will learn to understand the significance of historical data and how it should be considered.
Classroom Applications Weighing the evidence - Teachers can ask students to examine and evaluate a set of documents that have two differing perspectives of the same historical event. Students will place the document on a scale according to the perceived weight of the document as evidence of a historical event. The teacher will provide opposing historical conclusions or ask students to arrive at their own interpretations. Seeing the entire picture - Teachers can present a cropped section of a larger picture and ask students to analyze what is happening. After students have made assumptions, show them the entire picture and ask them to compare and contrast their first assumption with the new perception based on seeing the whole picture.