LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities GENERAL MEETING on the Jan 27 nd, 2016
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities 2 Meeting Agenda - Welcome message from the meeting co-Chair Prof Aoun to all the new members (10’) - LAIS and AIS membership (10’) - LAIS strategy to implicate new universities (5’) - How LAIS can become a strong bridge between Lebanese universities (2’) - LCIS the AUB proposition resumed by the meeting co-Chair Prof Osman 2. LCIS scientific Committee 3. LCIS sponsorship 4. LCIS Keynote Speakers - ICTO2016 -Conclusion (5’)
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities Collective Intelligence for the Common Good We all stand Against Plagiarism The Excellence in research : A strategy for the future Development, Modernization and Change through Scientific Research Truth, Freedom and Responsability in scientific research Professionalism in Scientific Research Promoting Ethics in Social Research Sharing Knowledge and respecting others work LAIS values © Pearson Education 20123
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities LAIS MANAGEMENT And GOVERNANCE
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities 5 The LAIS is part of the region 2 of the AIS Region 2
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities LAIS President (Elected the April 24th, 2015) (In office as a president since June 9th 2015) End of term: End of April 2017) LAIS Past President Interim President (from April 24th, 2015 to June 9th, 2015) LAIS Secretary (Elected the April 24th, 2015) (End of term: End of April 2016) LAIS Treasurer (Elected the April 24th, 2015) (End of term: End of April 2016) Nominated vice Presidents (Nominated the April 24th, 2015) (End of term: End of April 2016) Nominated communication director (Nominated June 9th, 2015) (End of term: End of April 2016) LAIS President Elec (will be elected: March 2016)
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities 7 ICT for greater development impact Beirut, June 2, 3, and 4, 2016 The Scientific Committee of LCIS2016 is responsible for controlling and supervising the selection of publications, the choice of types of session, selection of speakers and papers accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings and in the issues associated to the conference. They also choose the best paper awards.
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities 8 Prof. Carl Adams, University of Portsmouth, UK (link) Prof. Mokhtar Amami, Collège Militaire Royal du Canada, Canada Prof. Chrisanthi Avgerou, london school of economics and political science, UK (link) (AIS Fellow Award 1999) Prof. Georges Aoun, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon Prof. Youcef Badhdadi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (link) Prof. Marco De Marco, Università telematica internazionale "UniNettuno", Italy (AIS Fellow Award 2010) (link) Prof. Monica Dragoicea, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (link) Prof. Nadine Dubruc, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France (link) Prof. Marc Favier, University Grenoble-Alpes, France Prof. Sana Hajj Safa, CNAM, Lebanon Prof. Michel Kalika, IAE de Lyon, France (Link) Prof. Helmut Krcmar, Technische Universität München, Germany (immediate past President of the AIS) (link) Prof. Jason Thatcher, Clemson University (President Elect of the AIS) (link) Prof. Jean-Fabrice Lebraty, IAE de Lyon, France (link) Prof. Sélim Mekdessi, Lebanese University, Lebanon (link) Prof. Ibrahim H. Osman, American University of Beirut (link) Prof. Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece (link) Prof. Ijaz Qureshi, University of Lahore, Pakistan (link) Prof. Isabel Ramos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal (link) Prof. Thomas Stenger, IAE, Université de Poitiers (link) Prof. Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Aalto University School of Business, Finland (Vice President of the AIS for Publications) (link)
LAIS: A strong bridge between Lebanese universities CONCLUSION © Pearson Education 20129