The Scientific Method Focus Questions Why is the scientific method important? Why is the scientific method important? What makes some experiments better than others? What makes some experiments better than others? Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
The Scientific Method Genre Expository Text: Tells people something. It contains facts about real people, things, or events. Expository Text: Tells people something. It contains facts about real people, things, or events. Clarify Stop and check Re-read the sentence Or paragraph Ask Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
Vocabulary Observations Observations Local Local Crabbier Crabbier Certain Certain Examine Examine Information Information Context Clues are hints in the text that help you find the meanings of words Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
Information – Use Context Clues What new information have we learned today? What new information have we learned today? You will need to gather information about for your report. You will need to gather information about for your report. Information – n. knowledge gained from investigation, study, or instruction Information – n. knowledge gained from investigation, study, or instruction Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
Observations – Use context Clues Where did you write your observation? Where did you write your observation? One of the first things you should do in an experiment is to make good observations. One of the first things you should do in an experiment is to make good observations. Observation – n. an act of noticing something Observation – n. an act of noticing something Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
Local – Use Context Clues Go to the local farmer’s market for the freshest produce. Go to the local farmer’s market for the freshest produce. At the local park you can study the trees and their leaves At the local park you can study the trees and their leaves Local – adj. nearby Local – adj. nearby Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
Crabbier – Use context clues You seem crabbier today than you were yesterday. You seem crabbier today than you were yesterday. My grouchy cat got crabbier when I tried to take pictures of it. My grouchy cat got crabbier when I tried to take pictures of it. Crabbier – adj. comparative form of crabby: means cross; in a bad mood Crabbier – adj. comparative form of crabby: means cross; in a bad mood Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
Certain – Use context clues I am certain that this is the correct way to the house. I am certain that this is the correct way to the house. You must be certain that you understand your homework, and if you don’t ask your teacher to explain. You must be certain that you understand your homework, and if you don’t ask your teacher to explain. Certain – adj. sure Certain – adj. sure Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6
Examine – Use Context Clues We should examine the evidence. We should examine the evidence. You might want to examine the carton of eggs to see if any are broken. You might want to examine the carton of eggs to see if any are broken. Examine – v. to look closely Examine – v. to look closely Dee Gardner – Mitchell K-6