Year 13 General Studies PowerPoint 5 Work Experience Year 13 General Studies PowerPoint 5 RHS Careers
Work Experience h b 1. helps you gather info about specific jobs 2 Work Experience h b 1. helps you gather info about specific jobs 2. gives you practical experience of the realities of employment sector 3. develops your skill set 4. identify what skills you need to improve 5. provides interview practice 6. provides reference which can be used for future uni or job applications 7. can lead to employment
Work Experience at Regent House Year 13 - 3/4 days at the end of June Year 13 – approximately 10 day period after AS and A level results in August Year 14 – additional WEX if required for a change of course (and approved by SLT).
Where are you now? Summarise your current academic profile, hobbies etc and future plans on page 5 of the Careers Booklet. At the bottom of the diagram, try and list at least 3 possible placements for your work experience. Four work experience targets are recorded on page 6 – think about another 6 of your own personal targets during your work placement.
WEX as an Entry Requirement It is essential to check if your chosen course has any work experience entry requirements – – see Dr Hall if unsure. Record your findings at the bottom of page 5. Consider how you are going to meet these entry requirements (if necessary) and give yourself a time frame by which each WEX should be organised – write dates in the last column.
Finding a Placement Ask family and friends Call in and ask companies in local area Email larger companies Use school database Ask subject teachers Mr McCready is the current teacher in charge of Work Experience including all Charter placements – hospitals, Bombardier, UTV etc
RHS Work Experience Database The RHS WEX database can be used to find out where past pupils have gone for work experience, to get contact names and to see how successful the placements were. Go to Shared Resources (Start / My Computer / Shared Resources or W: drive) Double click on the ‘Careers’ folder to open it Double click on the ‘Work Experience Feedback’ folder Double click the files – ‘Pupil Feedback 2015’ ‘Pupil Feedback 2014’ ‘Pupil feedback 2013’
Charter Placements Only Careers Staff are allowed to make direct contact with Charter. If a student or parent contacts Charter directly they will simply refer you to the careers staff in your school. Please direct all Charter related queries to Mr McCready – M18.
There are two types of Charter placements – Pre-arranged – You contact an employer directly and they verbally agree to the placement (pending all paper work and checks). This has much greater chance of success as these cases typically take priority before requests (below) are processed. Requests (Lottery) – You register an interest in a Charter company as early as possible. Places allocated by Charter to schools in late Jan / early Feb from places available.
You are only guaranteed the placement when Charter authenticate - the dates / times / and contact details of staff involved receive the various permissions, confidentiality agreement and insurance forms. You will probably receive written confirmation from Mr McCready possibly only a week before you are due to go on work experience. It is therefore advisable to have a backup work placement organised just in case!
Charter Companies - All Health Trusts - hospital based work experience & open days Bombardier – 1 student per school UTV – very limited places Belfast City council Translink Montupet (Engineering) NI Fire & Rescue Belfast International Airport NI Court Services H M Revenue & Customs Harland & Wolfe Marks & Spencer Plc Belfast Telegraph Graham Asset Management Danske Bank
Charter Open Day opportunities may include - Health Boards Dietetics Pharmacy Physiotherapy Clinical Psychology Laboratory work Radiotherapy Speech & Language Therapy Legal / Law Carson McDowell - Law/Legal Work Inspiration Mornings Arthur Cox - Legal Work Inspiration Check RHS Careers Facebook regularly
Practice Interview – All WEX Placements Consider the interview questions on page 6 of your Careers Booklet, and note any thoughts / ideas in the spaces given. In groups of 3 or 4, ask each other the 3 questions and provide constructive criticism as required. Record any changes / new ideas you have after the practice interview sessions.