Namaste Team Prolead II India
PROLEAD II – A HEALTH GOVERNANCE INITIATIVE WHO center for health development WHO Kobe center [ WKC] MODULE II- Day 4, Thursday 1 st December 2005 “ Advocacy and development of partnership for a Health Promotion Foundation in Bangalore, India” “ Advocacy and development of partnership for a Health Promotion Foundation in Bangalore, India” Team: Mr. P R Ramesh, Dr A G Harikiran, Dr Srinivasan.v
Advocacy and development of partnership for a Health Promotion Foundation in Bangalore, India INTENTION: INTENTION: To develop, initiate and extend the health promotion programs of Bangalore city corporation To develop, initiate and extend the health promotion programs of Bangalore city corporation To develop a governance mechanism/agency/system to coordinate present health promotion activities and develop guided vision and policy To develop a governance mechanism/agency/system to coordinate present health promotion activities and develop guided vision and policy To make health promotion an issue/ priority/ concern of To make health promotion an issue/ priority/ concern of Bangalore city corporation Bangalore city corporation This mechanism will eventually form a node for the long term objective of a health promotion foundation This mechanism will eventually form a node for the long term objective of a health promotion foundation
ACTIVITIES AFTER MODULE I: A) Initial catch up meetings of PROLEAD II- Team India members. A) Initial catch up meetings of PROLEAD II- Team India members. B) Update to different stake holders of health promotion in Bangalore city corporation and people involved in health promotion activities in Bangalore. B) Update to different stake holders of health promotion in Bangalore city corporation and people involved in health promotion activities in Bangalore.
ACTIVITIES AFTER MODULE I: Advocacy meeting/ presentation at Basavangudi, Bangalore 27 TH AUGUST TH AUGUST 2005 INVOLVEMENT OF local MLA, NGO s, civil society, INVOLVEMENT OF local MLA, NGO s, civil society, BMP Special Commissioner And Additional Commissioner BMP Special Commissioner And Additional Commissioner
ACTIVITIES AFTER MODULE I: Update of health promotion activities and WHO PROLEAD II team to the new commissioner and new special commissioner of Bangalore city corporation.
ACTIVITIES AFTER MODULE I: Update and presentation of WHO PROLEAD II- India team concept to special commissioner and corporation heads of department. at Office of special commissioner
ACTIVITIES AFTER MODULE I: Appointment of short term consultant by WKC Visit of short term consultant : m/s Addy Carroll : Dr Davison, Regional Advisor Health Promotion, WHO-SEARO
ACTIVITIES DURING VISIT: Meeting/ presentation at Bangalore city corporation Meeting/ presentation at Bangalore city corporation
ACTIVITIES DURING VISIT: Meeting with vice-chancellor of health university Meeting with vice-chancellor of health university Site visits of various health promotion activities: Site visits of various health promotion activities: a) preventive cardiology center at Shantinagar a) preventive cardiology center at Shantinagar b) laughing club b) laughing club c) day care center c) day care center d) healthy lifestyle clinic- KSRTC d) healthy lifestyle clinic- KSRTC e) schools etc e) schools etc
MEETING/ PRESENTATION AT CORPORATION: OUTCOME: OUTCOME: Formation of core committee of Chief Health Officer and medical officers of the corporation, to work with WHO PROLEAD II India Team and the WHO short term consultant Formation of core committee of Chief Health Officer and medical officers of the corporation, to work with WHO PROLEAD II India Team and the WHO short term consultant “To develop a document, to outline the process for developing a policy and framework, for health promotion for Bangalore Mahanagara Palike”
BACKGROUND FOR CONSULTANCY MEETINGS: Starting point was the “ Bangalore healthy city summit “ outcome document, consultant report on Bangalore health promotion
CONSULTANCY MEETINGS : RESULT Series of meeting with corporation core committee for 3 days resulted in a document, to outline the process for developing a policy and framework and recommendations for consideration of the corporation and its decision making body. Series of meeting with corporation core committee for 3 days resulted in a document, to outline the process for developing a policy and framework and recommendations for consideration of the corporation and its decision making body. Terms of reference for steering group Terms of reference for steering group Composition of steering group Composition of steering group Policy focal areas Policy focal areas Time lines Time lines
ACTIVITIES AFTER MODULE I: CHALLENGES AND ISSUES Concept of Health Promotion : new Concept of Health Promotion : new difficulty in visualizing why, what and how difficulty in visualizing why, what and how why: - health promotion should be a priority/ concern why: - health promotion should be a priority/ concern
ACTIVITIES AFTER MODULE I: CHALLENGES AND ISSUES what :- how health promotion is different from present activities what :- how health promotion is different from present activities how :- issue of how is difficult to conceive how :- issue of how is difficult to conceive New node?? New node?? Status of new node Status of new node Implications of new node Implications of new node
Where we stand: Advocacy meetings and measures in progress Advocacy meetings and measures in progress Exploration of health promotion training courses Exploration of health promotion training courses Document, to outline the process for developing a policy and framework, for health promotion for ” Bangalore Mahanagara Palike” has been drafted by the core committee Document, to outline the process for developing a policy and framework, for health promotion for ” Bangalore Mahanagara Palike” has been drafted by the core committee
Where to from here? The document will be examined by the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike and placed before the decision making body by Jan 15 th,2006 The document will be examined by the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike and placed before the decision making body by Jan 15 th,2006 Establish steering group :by Jan 30 th, 2006 Establish steering group :by Jan 30 th, 2006 Draft policy presented by 20 th of March,2006 to ‘Health promotion stake holders’ Draft policy presented by 20 th of March,2006 to ‘Health promotion stake holders’ Health Promotion Conference : March-April 2006 Health Promotion Conference : March-April 2006
Namaste Team Prolead II,India