Mrs. Huggins’ Classroom Expectations and Procedures
Classroom Rules I will: Treat others with kindness. Treat others with RESPECT. Allow my teacher to teach. Allow others to learn. Respect property. Be responsible for my actions. Be responsible for my own learning.
Classroom Procedures 1.Be in your seat with supplies out when the bell rings 2.Bring required materials with you to class EVERYDAY 3.Begin Sketchbook or Bell Start immediately 4.Be ATTENTIVE during demonstrations and presentations 5.Follow proper procedures when using tools and supplies 6.No gum or food or in the classroom 7.Cell Phones for Inspiration only 8.No Headphones – EVER
Entering the Art Room 1.First Period – Take the chairs off of the table 2.Get personal supplies from cubby including sketchbook and portfolio 3.Get classroom supplies needed for your project 4.Start your Sketchbook or Bell work QUIETLY
Supply Procedures Procedures for each new supply will be slightly different but in general: All supplies are labeled so you can find them These are ours for the year - Use them respectfully Replace them where you found them, in the same condition you found the supplies in
Clean up Procedure 5-10 minutes before the end of class, we will begin clean up Return supplies to cabinet or supply countertop Make sure you return supplies to the location you got them from!
When can I go to the bathroom? Do not ask to leave the room during whole class instruction Tell Mrs. Huggins you need to go to the bathroom Take a pass Sign out and put the time you leave Sign in and put the time you return Return the pass
Turning in Your Assignments ALWAYS put your NAME and period on the back of your paper Turn in on the cart in your class’ section Turn in a rubric with project Fill out the top portion, grade yourself and complete self-assessment on the back
What do I do if I was absent? Check with a tablemate to see what project we are doing Check the absent folder to see if you missed a rubric or criteria sheet for a new project – Take notes from the printed power point presentation If something was due while you were gone, discuss with Mrs. Huggins’ when your project is due. Schedule extra time to come in to complete or take home!
Where is my ______ ? Check the LOST and FOUND Check your cubby Check the cubby closest to you Check the drying rack Ask your friends for help When all else fails, ask Mrs. Huggins!
I am finished. What should I do? You will have on-going sketchbook assignments - Work on those Free draw in your sketchbook Plan for the next project Visit the Art Library: Read about an artist, art work, art style or new media If you are sitting with nothing to do, I will find something for you to clean up!!!
Listening Expectations Eyes On Speaker Silent Be Still – if you are not in your seat, stop moving Hand Free – put everything down LISTEN
Ending Art Class 5-10 Minutes before the bell rings – clean up Sit in your chair and wait until you are dismissed – do not hover around the door The bell does not dismiss you, Mrs. Huggins does. Wait for a “Have a great day,” then you are dismissed Last period of the day --- Put your chairs on the table
Tardy Bring a pass with you if you have one Come in silently without interrupting If I am giving whole group instruction, sit down and listen If class is working on sketchbook, get out supplies and start working If class is started on the project, ask a tablemate what you need to do