M INERAL I DENTIFICATION Based on Physical properties Mineral Appearance Color Luster Streak Hardness Mohs Hardness Scale Specific Gravity Cleavage/Fracture Other properties
H ARDNESS OF A MINERAL Hardness of a mineral- how easily it can be scratched Talc- so soft that it can be scratched with your fingernail Diamonds- the hardest mineral so they can be used as a cutting tool Mohs Hardness scale
M OHS H ARDNESS S CALE Austrian Scientist- Friedrich Mohs Developed a list of common minerals to compare their hardness You have an unknown mineral and you scratch it with different objects to obtain the hardness of the mineral. It is only one clue in determining the unknown mineral.
L USTER Luster- the way the mineral reflects light Can be metallic or non metallic Metallic- shiny Non- metallic Dull Silky Glassy Pearly
S PECIFIC G RAVITY Specific gravity- the ratio of the weight of the mineral to the weight of an equal volume of water. Represented as a number Gold has a specific gravity of 19 so it is 19 times heavier than water
S TREAK Streak- the color left behind when a mineral is rubbed against an unglazed porcelain tile. The color of the mineral in powder form Mineral must be softer than the streak plate
C LEAVAGE /F RACTURE Cleavage of a mineral- the breakage of a mineral along smooth/flat surfaces. Fracture of a mineral- minerals that break with uneven, rough, or jagged surfaces.
O THER P ROPERTIES Magnetite- is magnetic Calcite-Can bend light May also chemically react with substances like calcite will with hydrochloric acid.