Explain three qualities of a ‘good’ teacher.
The Name Game Get up from your seat and find someone else in the room. Tell them your name and give them an explanation about where you name came from – Where you named after a family member? Celebrity? – Do you like your name? – If not, what would you rather be called? – If so, why do you like it?
Grading System Homework/Classwork: 50% Participation: 10% Assessments: 40%
Participation You will receive participation points each week based on multiple categories The categories are: Equity sticks, asking questions, using biology vocabulary, peer interactions, other These will be totaled at the end of the week to determine your participation grade for that week
Jupiter Grades You will be able to see your grades in each class using Jupiter grades Grades will be updated every 10 working days You will receive your log in information in your English classes
Classroom Expectations We will respect each other, ourselves, and our classroom This means… – No food or drink in the classroom – No talking while others are speaking – No distracting behaviors during class
Consequences and Rewards 1 st offense: Warning 2 nd offense: Detention 3 rd offense: Parent Call >3 rd offense: Referral Rewards: movies, field trips, food, outside activities, good call home
My Classroom Philosophy RESPECT! I respect each of you for all that you do every day and I expect respect from you for what I do I also expect that you respect each other
Checkpoint What are ways you can show someone you respect them?
Entering Class As you enter class you will pick up all necessary papers on the front table You will then turn in any assignments to the box at the front of the classroom. – If it isn’t turn in to the box the first minute of class it is marked late Next, begin working on your warm-up even if it is before the bell has rung
Biology Tracker Your biology tracker will be given to you at the beginning of each week. It gives you space for a warm up, checkpoint question, and exit ticket This will be a 60 point classwork grade I will count one exit ticket as an assessment grade this week
During Class There will be no use of electronic devices during class. I see it …. – Once- I hold on to your device until the end of class – Twice- I hold on to your device and return it to your dean – More than twice- I arrange with your parents for you to check your phone in and out of my classroom
Leaving Class Clean up any class materials and turn in any assignments to the box Write down your homework assignments in your planner
Tardiness You are considered tardy if you are not across the threshold of the door by the time the bell stops ringing. If you are tardy, you are not permitted to enter the classroom without a note (no matter what your story is)
Why people fail biology Do not do homework Do not come on time Do not ask for help Do not study
Where can I get help? During STEP every day After school on Tuesdays and Thursdays Or me anytime!
Class Website mspoolebiology.com This will be your LIFELINE this year
Remind th Period Text his number With this
Remind th Period Text this number With this
Exit Ticket Summarize all the ways you can contact me for help and stay up to date on information for this class.