7 th Grade Life Science
Be involved and prepared
Do all of your work!
Respect others, including their opinions, property and differences
Clean-up after yourself
1 st and last 10 minutes, no passes
Prepared = Science notebook Writing utensil (pen, pencil) Brain
Attention = Teacher says: Alright Stop Students say: Collaborate and listen Or: lights
4 tardies in one quarter = Referral
Leaving Class = Ask Teacher (not 1 st or last 10 min.) Sign out (pink sheet) Take pass Return, sign-in 4 bathroom passes/quarter, teacher keeps track
NOISE system = Each warning will result in the removal of a letter: E, S, I If NO is left, no talking the rest of the period
Notebooks = Neat Class ordered, pg # important! Labeled ORGANIZED Colorful
Absent = Handouts in purple bin, organized by page # Notebook organized by period, includes information sheet about what you missed that day 2 nd edition
Cheating and plagiarism = No credit
Done Early??? Check your work Missing work Read Draw Organize your notebook Color on your left-side pages Summarize in your notes
Substitute = Always be respectful! Failure to do so = referral